ReviewRaptor's manga / #SHITTY MC(3)

Form of Sympathy

Complete | Park Noduk,Park Nodeok | 2019 released
2023-03-11 23:27 marked

Oh look, it's a narcissistic asshole as an MC! Would you look at the time, it's "I have no time for this bullshit" o'clock! GOTTA GO! :D Check the story out for yourselves, if you are not bothered by the MC as much as I am. But I will full on skip this and will not recommend simply because of the very introduction of the MC. And here's why: Yeah no, sorry. This is off to an utterly obnoxious start. You tell your sob story (which was CLEARLY made to create empathy for the MC) and when someone else is leaving the place to go crying ALONE outside and you just follow and pester them with questions, you feel rightful in being annoyed if your questions don't get answered? What a massive cunt you are. Instead of showing empathy and trying to comfort the person, you have the audacity to get annyoed because you don't get an answer from someone that's drunk and went outside to be ALONE and is crying heavily? Gimme a break. If the author thought this MC is endearing or can be a self instert for anyone other than a huge narcissist, then they failed their job miserably. A main character is supposed to be interesting and create SOME form of urge to read the story. This one? He's such a jackass that I honestly don't care if his love went south and I have ZERO interest in seeing him find a new love if THIS is his introduction. I grew up with a toxic, narcissist as a mother. This type of character is NOT endearing or in any way, shape or form something I'd want to read about. If at least he had seemed to be a LITTLE worried or instead of being angry (because he's so self-centered) he had just stopped bothering the guy and went off silently with a look that suggests anything BUT what was chosen by the author, I'd have kept reading. But not like this. And for any younger readers who just don't get what I mean: The start of a story and how characters are introduced is CRUCIAL to having your story read. If your story's MAIN CHARACTER is such an asshole that people who cannot identify with jackasses like him end up skipping your entire work, you might wanna try a more neutral approach. This is not about 'wanting it mY wAy' despite it not being my work, this is genuine advice for good story writing. Because people will simply NOT waste time on your work if they have a big reason to switch to something else within less than a minute. That's just how it is. (If the title was 'A Narcissists Form Of Sympathy' I'd have been fine with it since there was a clear warning. But we got a sob story that was about 'oh woe me' and when someone ELSE is off even worse than the MC he gets pissed because he doesn't get what he wants? I.E. a reaction to his questions? That's just an unappealing character, unless you can self-insert because you yourself are like that. Which most people aren't, by the way...) Could the story be good after that? Sure, maybe. But I for one will not bother reading something, HOPING the MC will suddenly not be a dislikable jackass. I have better things to do than that. 0 outta 10 - The art is mid-range and the MC is utterly dislikable. You do you. I got no time for this.

Into The Thrill

Ongoing | Leefail | 2022 released

It's been a while since I've read a comic that made zero effort to make the MC likable. At all times btw. Not once was there a moment he seemed ok even. Why do authors think writing characters like that will make people read their stories past the first chapter or two? Even the worst villains NEED something likable about them (charisma being the most popular choice) but if your main character doesn't even compare to a villain, that's just bad writing tbh. I know some people like reading stories about toxic trash (not sure why) but I've lost interest even halfway through chapter 1, let alone the others. Have fun to anyone that likes it. I'm gonna look for something that makes me want to read it. XD

The World Without My Sister Who Everyone Loved

Ongoing | Hamal ,na yoo hye | 2019 released

Alright, hear me out. Lemme cook, it's hot now but we'll cool down. :v (Critique ahead, so beware.) The base story is very interesting, the art is decent and the characters around the MC intriguing (although a bit too shallow in personality). The MC however, is what ruins this story. And that is an absolute dealbreaker. I like me some drama but the already way too obnoxious trope of hating people that have not done ANYTHING WRONG to you in a re-run is just getting on my nerves SO very much. Don't get me wrong, this trope CAN work, if written in a good way, but this is definitely NOT it. She's not careful and pessimistic due to trauma, she's behaving like what someone who THINKS they know how trauma works would write a character. The way the author portrays her makes her more annoying, dumb and weird instead of a damaged person that has to deal with trauma and tries to adjust to current happenings. The author HAS made her realize very early on that things have changed, she acknowledged that!, yet on the very next page she ignores it and acts like that realization never happened. This is a HUGE fault when writing a traumatized character, because that realization would have a big impact and remain in memory. It would make her at least second guess each action from others and make her at least think about it having a positive aspect. But what annoyed me the most so far (16 chapters in) is this: She pretends her references and ideas of a situation are reality and treats them as a fact. In some sense it is similar to how trauma can work (in a VERY vague way), but not how it's done in this story and the different moments. I have endured 16 chapters of her obnoxious attititude and while i was very understanding at first, this got obnoxious VERY quick and downright stupid. I mean, the fvck you talking about 'horrifying ceremony'?? HE GAVE YOU A FRUIT FFS. X'D The only thing barbaric and horrifying was your idea of pretending the red juice was blood and wolves tear prey apart and eat together. Stop acting like that's the same. Your analogies are NOT reality. This is NOT Twitter. Please stop this nonsense, dear author. At this point it is NOT the other characters that are in the wrong, IT IS ONLY HER. And I doubt it'll change in a realistic, normal manner based on the bad writing. The author is continuously re-chewing the past only when it fits to make her seem more miserable, justify her attitude or make the other people (who are ALL nice to her btw!) look horrible despite that not being in relation to the current reality. This already gives me Mary Sue vibes and Mary Sue's are NOT good characters despite 3rd wave feminists thinking otherwise. X'D The writing is horrible tbh. It runs the path of using happenstances from the past to be anything inbetween pitiful towards oneself up to being an obnoxious idiot or rude towards others even. Which is NOT the way to go. It does not make your character likable at all. And it will not make people want to read more about this character. I'm sorry, but THIS is not how you use this trope. THIS is precisely why people learned to hate it. And the misplaced, seemingly random, funny chibi haha panels do NOT help this entire mess. It makes it seem even more like the author doesn't know what they are doing. Which I hope changes in the future. Improving their writing skills is very much needed at this stage. To sum it up; the author failed majestically at making the MC likable and despite her acknowledging current life being different. It feels really more like the author simply THINKS this is what traumatized people are like (like people on Twitter and TikTok always do) instead of researching the nuances needed to make each negative reaction actually realistic, plausible and relatable/understandable. The author should research some more about how to alter these kinda characters to make them understandable and likable. This is KEY to fictional works. Sadly this one missed the mark. It's likely a good read for younger/less experienced readers, but seasoned readers should probably stay away from this one. The story seems to have changed in chapter 44, but I do not know if it was done in a good way. Not sure if I'll bother reading more tbh, nothing in this story is appealing tbh.