ReviewRaptor's manga / #RUSHED(15)

Katakoi Opera

Complete | Katsura Komachi | 2000 released

Marry you? Yes, I will!

Complete | Manta | 2019 released

Why The King Needs A Secretary

Ongoing | | 2000 released

I really hoped (and expected) something better. The writing feels more like a rough draft with some parts partially fleshed out. It's way too rushed and hurries along without taking time to explain a situation in detail or let emotions or the mood of the situation be delivered to the reader. It moves from one happening to another without letting you take in what is happening and it has no focus on the emotions of the characters in general. Which is detrimental for stories like these. The characters are bland, the artwork os okay but not amazing enough to keep me interested just for the artwork alone. So, sadly, I'll pass on this one. I don't feel like any of these issues will be fixed. It's not uploaded as a promo, but the first two chapters instead so there's little to no hope these things will change. All in all this feels like a story written by a teenager that isn't aware of how this type of setting would work (hence the major logic issues aside from the pacing problems). I suppose it might be a decent first work for the author, but nothing I'll bother reading or recommending. Enjyo to whoever doesn't care about these issues, I'll look around for other stuff.

Love Jinx

Complete | Geonhan,건한 | 2020 released

(Only spoiler part would be the general issues as well as mentioning the supposed love interest's's not really spoiling anything, so no tag) The setup for the story was really interesting but...the writing is a bit of a mess. One happening after another keeps being thrown at you. Before you can deal and settle with one, another one is thrown at you. Making the pacing feel extremely rushed and a bit lackluster at times even. Characters aren't introduced properly (if at all) either, they are thrown at you just the same. No names, personality or general sense of what you should feel for them is being portrayed and keeping on reading doesn't yield any quick solution for all these important factors either. All in all you're being bombarded with info while reading and left to figure it out yourself/piece it together. If this was about some kinda mystery plotpoint, sure: That would be fine and would work perfectly. But for character relations as is here? It's just a bit of a throw-off, rips you out of what little immersion there is and makes this just a mess of a read and not enjoyable if you're looking for detailed/intricate writing or storytelling. The story's base plot is interesting, the MC is very likable to boot, but the pacing and storytelling issues cause me to loose interest at chapter 8 already. Too much trouble that simply outweights the little that I could call a reward if I would keep on reading. (The love interest's personality is VERY off putting by the way. He's giving me psycho, rape-y AND general yandere vibes: All of which I despise, so that's a major reason to fuck off away from this if nothing else...) I can neither say this is bad nor good. Nor can I recommend it or say people absolutely shouldn't read it. It depends on your preferences and what level of writing you are used to and looking for, I suppose. Check it out, but I honestly can't say this is something I'd ever mention to anyone if they asked me for a story to read. :/

Final Stop

Complete | 영찬 | 2019 released

While the plot is interesting, again, like so often: The execution is very lacking. It's incredibly rushed, it skips scenes that are important and immerse the reader or just bring the characters alive, just so it can quickly go to the screwing around scenes. Good for jack-off material maybe, but this is clearly not trying to be smut but a fully fleshed out story...which it falls short on in every way. The art is decent and the plot interesting, but I'll probably only skim through pages to enjoy the art. It's not worth reading actively, so to speak. As sad as that is. :/

His Potential Wife

Ongoing | Grace green | 2019 released
2022-10-30 18:30 marked

SIGH...again one of the plots that's great in what it was on paper, but the execution is just WAY too rushed, effortless and feels like rough pieces of plot stitched together so we can move along to more interesting parts all because the writer didn't want to spend 2 more minutes thinking of how humans would naturally interact and move past certain happenings naturally. A page flipper maybe, but only because the art is pleasant enough. Otherwise I'd skip this ASAP. Still not recommended tho...

The Precious Girl Does Not Shed Tears

Ongoing | Fuyutsuki irori | 2022 released

I find myself completely bored and entirely uninterested at chapter 31 already. The base plot is a great idea and interesting, but the execution is very amateur-ish and almost child-like the way scenarios are written. Things are rushed, emotions or sense of urgency are not delivered properly, all while some parts are dragged out in dialogue that I really couldn't care less about since the characters are just not interesting but just annoying. It might be a good read for new readers or people who are bored. But for those with interest in well-written, well fleshed out and interesting writing...this isn't it. Even as a page-flicker I don't see this working since there is not gonna be a definite goal to flip through for (a kiss for romances, marriage for a trouble couple plot, etc.). It's just not interesting and if you have experience with writing, you can already tell this story will drag on and on and only reach a mildly satisfying goal (since the goal of the MC is NOT a big one to begin with). I'll drop this and give it a hard pass on all fronts. Not even the art can save it, it's mid really. Give it a try, but be warned if you have higher standards when it comes to stories. That's really all I can say.

The Villainess Once Said

Ongoing | | 2022 released

REVIEW: No plot spoilers tho. Just the general writing is what I am commenting on. Sadly this falls short on all fronts for me. Writing, plot, characters and art. Tho the writing is my biggest issue. Somehow the writing feels very undetailed, rushed and somewhat towards the category of 'rough plot turned into a comic without fine-tuning it more'. Kinda like a rough checklist of plotpoints was made and then someone just turned it into a comic as is. The characters feel not well introduced (personality, likes, dislikes, etc. - the person, you know) and there's a big lack of connection towards them all, which might be due to the comic not taking time to slowly introduce them and explain the surroundings but instead jump right into one happening after another, which are also not really portrayed in detail. It's like there's a lack of connect to right about anything for me. It's all in all a bit too bland and lacking for me personally. The writing just isn't detailed enough for me to like it and I quickly found myself just flipping the pages without really caring for anything that happened or was said. This might be due to the comic trying to be more focused on polictics and intrigue and such, but it just doesn't manage to portray it in interesting ways and detail to make me curious about it all. The art is okay, but the expressions are sometimes off too and cannot convey serious moments well I feel. I think this is a good read for beginners/younger readers but it's likely not for the experienced readers who already know quite a bit about detailed, top-tier writing. Kinda like watching a kids movie as a teen being an awesome experience but after you rewatch it when you're an adult you notice the flaws in writing and the lacking parts. If this has a novel, I'd suggest giving that a try because that might be better in terms of writing. This is not terrible (just not good to me and the writing I'm used to) so give it a try yourself and see if you mind the issues less and can enjoy reading it, just be warned it's not a tripple A comic, is what I'm saying.

The Male Leads Were Stolen by the Extra

Ongoing | 초암 | 2022 released

I cannot think of the right word, it's similar to convoluted but not that. As in, the story is densely packed with info in a rough draft kinda way that was just mashed into a chapter as quick as possible to move the story along quick. There is too much going on too quickly but nothing is going at a good pace and explained well. Lacking detail and decent pacing in general we could say. Not sure what the word is but I'm pretty sure there was a fitting word in english. Does anyone know what word I'm looking for? It just doesn't come to mind. XD Anyway. My review-ish comment part is as follows: The story alltogether is a bit too predictable for me and does nothing new, the characters aren't exactly new either so I'm not really immersed in it with all the issues given. But I guess for people who haven't read much of these kinda plots and characters this could be an okay read if they are not overwhelmed by the rough drafty-ness of it all. I'm not really gonna read any more of it, i feel the novel would be a better read tbh but I cannot be bothered with that kinda task these days. XD Check it out for yourself but be warned about these few issues. Experienced readers might find them annoying but it's likely a case by case thing.