It Starts with Isaac
I have a medium kink for this setup of a scenario, but this story honestly does a shit job with it. It's just unappealing tbh. I know what the author wanted to go for but it doesn't work for me. This is just the dumbest, most basic porn plot taken and acting as if it's deep, detailed and good. Which it isn't. XD It's not just the base scenario that is unappealing and causing an issue, it's either the translation or the writing itself. The unofficial was a shitfest that had ZERO to do with the actual dialogue but even the official translation doesn't make sense in the earliest chapters, going back and forth, contradiction what was previously said, etc.. The beginning of the story is lacklusterly written and completely half-assed which immediately makes me uninterested in giving this more of a chance. It's like a movie posting a shitty trailer online; ain't gonna go to the cinema to watch it. I know what the idea was, but the execution didn't work for me at all. This might be a good read for people who do not care about a good setup and intro to a story, just looking for jerk off material, but this doesn't do anything for me other than create annoyance. So I'm out. Sad to see that we finally get a military-type setting and the writing just ruins it. I'm starved for military setups, so this is quite the disappointment. :(
I'm a Worthless Stepmother, But I Love My Family Madly!
I am 3 chapters in and this writing feels like the lovechild of ChatGPT and a 14 year old thinking they just wrote the rough draft to an epic love story (but it's really just cliche tacky stuff we have all seen before). Sometimes i think it's the translations that are off and make it weird but I can't tell. So I think I'll have to wait for official chapters. As is, this isn't written well. Almost random at times (both in dialogue and panels and what is happening in them). Not sure if the translations are so off and typical localizer shennanigans at play that it seems weird or if it IS this weirdly written. It really feels like a rough draft, almost random at times like sidenotes scribbled at the corner of the page just randomly got thrown in as well. No immersion comes up for me personally. Hopefully we can get official uploads, otherwise I don't think this is the type of comic I'd really care for, except for page flipping. I am 8 chapters in and this writing feels like the lovechild of ChatGPT and a 14 year old thinking they just wrote the rough draft to an epic love story (but it's really just cliche tacky stuff we have all seen before). And I cannot tell if it's 'localizer translations' at fault or if the story IS written like this. (╯▽╰ ) EDIT: Read further and it only gets more random and more rough draft-like, as if someone collected common cliche moments and stitched them together. No immersion or build up, just a collection of happenings we have seen elsewhere, just that here it makes little sense. really not an enjoyable read or page flipper tbh. So I'll not bother further. Sadly. I really love these stepmother stories, so this was quite the disappointment. ╥﹏╥
This is the first time I have absolute ZERO interest in such a workplace dynamic story. And I usually inhale these by default. So that's a bummer. :( The seme was supposed to be a certain type of stoic guy but that somehow completely missed the mark in the appeal's department for me, the MC is generic and the workplace/job absolutely uninteresting or even unappealing. The job and happenings are simply not interesting enough for me to read dozens of pages or even chapters about regular work talk that has very little to do with setting up the characters for their dynamic or relationship. The first 7 chapters alone could have been heavily condensed and not lost any important detail for the actual story. The workplace abuse by that one cunt SO early on in the story is also not really winning any appeal points. That was really a turn off when reading tbh. :/ It's just not interesting on any front to me. Which is a first for work romance lots, I absolutely love those usually. But this one is just yapping too much and too long about the job which could have been condensed into MUCh shorter chapters. Not a fan of the drag and unappealing and very generic character personalities, but you give it a read and see if it might be your thing. It's not necessarily bad, depending on your standard for good writing or personal preferences, but I honestly think it's not good either. Mid, sure. But maybe that's just me. Give it a go and see for yourself.
summer season
Note: The writing was good or at least decent (had a bit of a swing swong here and there) but chapter 17 really rushed for some reason, just before going back to regular mood. That was kinda weird tbh. Felt really lacklusterly. If the author attempted to write the MC as a tsundere, they honestly failed. I certainly like the character stereotypes, but this MC just has a shitty personality, flying off the handle for no good reason any chance he gets. It's been 26 chapters now and his behavior doesn't have a smidge cuteness to it at any moment. I suppose if you like characters just treating others like trash without feeling a shred of guilt or bad about it, this can be a great read. But given I had to be raised by a person like this, it's VERY unappealing to have this sorta person be the main character. And i doubt it'll change. I read 26 chapters only and while the base story is definitely interesting, the MC's personality is just a total deal breaker for me. Give it a try, maybe it's your thing.
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