The writing and logic of this story is absolute horseshit.
The author legit wrote this so half-assed, lighthearted and happy-go-lucky that they made an assault victim apologize?? Yeah, no, fuck that. And that's not the only flaw in logic and basic human reasoning. Considering we are starting off with the story going: Oh, I'm gonna kick you outta my company for fucking my daughter, but since it's a private matter from my kid's life I'll not tell anyone! ------ PROCEEDS TO TELL THE WHOLE COMPANY. And not a lie of him being gay, which would have made sense and could have turned his daughter into a sad little victim, no, he told everyone that she fucked him with a strap-on. WTF IS THIS AUTHOR'S LOGIC????? It's not even funny considering it's THAT dumb.
Can't endure more than 4 chapters.
You do you if this is your fucked up piece of shit cup of tea, but I'm out.
0 outta 10
Happy Shitty Life