ReviewRaptor's manga / #DO NOT READ(114)

Counter Offensive

Complete | Taeryeong , Rando , GHOST | 2021 released

A Contractual Couple Again

Ongoing | 설우희,제제 | 2019 released

The plot basically boils down to: Man is at fault for woman not opening her fvcking mouth and saying wtf is bothering her. This is SO fvcking annoying, I swear. This is the type of female logic people need to abandon and men need to run away from. Even if the guy makes mistakes, he's NOT a mindreader. You can't blame him for you not telling what's up. FFS this is obnoxious. Hard drop, no recommend.

Avoiding the Heavenly Emperor

Ongoing | Tamhada,Iiaki | 2019 released

I seriously TRIED, but the friend is so utterly obnoxious. The entire arc with her feels shoehorned in there and it doesn't feel well written in many ways. It's like the friend's drama got shoehorned in and became a distraction the author focused on instead of the actual plot. It's really not enjoyable to read. The MC is nice and all and so is the love interest, but there's too many other issues for me to keep reading. It feels rushed and at the same time like it drags, which is just unpleasant. I'm also really not a fan of these mixed timeline stories (which doesn't even make sense since all the modern aspects are just rails, ipads and megaphones....was a modern theme implementation REALLY needed just to add those background aspects?). It's just weird. To each their own. I wish anyone who likes it happy reading, but I'm gonna drop this at chapter 16 since it became a chore to read instead of being interesting.

PLACEBO: Let's Play

Ongoing | Cuke Soap | 2023 released

Yeah no thanks. If I want to see rape I'll just go to the old classics. The art is very nice but the plot is horseshit. Enjoy to whoever likes this fvcked up stuff but I'm out. Gotta cleanse my eyes with something after this. :D

I Am Selling the Main Character's Shares

Ongoing | 목감기 mokgamgi | 2022 released

It's an okay read and maybe a good one if people like this cliche story plotline. But I really REALLY dislike this plot. I'm sick and tired of MCs being dumb and generic when it comes to these stories. The 'husband that went to war so the wife feels estranged and hates him so she wants to leave' trope is ok as is, but it's generally VERY obnoxious and free of healthy reasoning. None of MCs halt their anger or pissy attitude, even AFTER it is revealed that the husband never recieved messages despite sending some himself. The girls never even spare a thought to the other party's side, they NEVER try to figure out who the real one to blame is and they never try to solve the misunderstanding and get back together with their initial partner. I am SO tired of this. Especially since the writing always portrays the husband as a psycho and goes apeshit for no reason and suddenly obsesses over the woman so he can easily be portrayed as a generic 'red flag ML' and the readers are supposed to cheer for any dude that comes along and helps the MC. There is more to the side of the male character, but it is NEVER portrayed well, never explained, never written to feel sympathy/empathy for him, it only focuses a woman who treats her first assumptions as hard facts, gets angry and runs away and never EVER lets up on said anger even after she should if things are revealed. This, generally, makes the GIRL the red flag to be honest. It's obnoxious, unhealthy or even toxic and just really free from any reallife human reasoning (unless you're a dumb cunt of course or a literal/mental child with an immature personality who cannot manage adult thinking). I'll drop this at chapter 8. Not just because of the dumb trope, but also because of the weird and really really dislikable setting of the story. I mean, come on. 'Guide'/Gods playing with people's lifes and killing them if they are not as interesting as others? People having to act like a shitty shoujo MC to get the readers to give them likes to stay alive (which means they do everything for likes, NOT because they like the person they interact with)? FUCK NO. That's just a really shitty and disgusting setup in all ways. That's some of the worst world settings I have ever come across tbh, and I've seen some shit in my 15+ years, mind you! I'm out, enjoy if you don't mind the logic, tropes and setting, but I really do not like it nor would I say it's a good story, much less one i'd recommend.

Peach Boy (Yooyoung)

Ongoing | Yooyoung | 2023 released

Yeah no. The art is WAY too much of a turn off to work as fap material (the artist overdoes it with ugly expressions and angles they simply cannot draw well), the story is dumb as hell and really makes it obvious it was just thrown together to excuse different sorts of fuck-scenes and the characters are overall just not appealing/uninteresting since they have no personality. Very disappointing, but another reminder to not bother with these kinda comics. Give it a try, if you have no high expectations for borderline perfect art and good writing, this can be for you.

Into The Thrill

Ongoing | Leefail | 2022 released

It's been a while since I've read a comic that made zero effort to make the MC likable. At all times btw. Not once was there a moment he seemed ok even. Why do authors think writing characters like that will make people read their stories past the first chapter or two? Even the worst villains NEED something likable about them (charisma being the most popular choice) but if your main character doesn't even compare to a villain, that's just bad writing tbh. I know some people like reading stories about toxic trash (not sure why) but I've lost interest even halfway through chapter 1, let alone the others. Have fun to anyone that likes it. I'm gonna look for something that makes me want to read it. XD

Pavlov's Dog

Ongoing | ji chuan | 2019 released

Even in one of the latest chapters the ML is STILL a jackass with no likable personality. I'm dropping this. Yet another chinese work with the same flaws. That's disappointing. I'm not a fan of the writing tbh. 7 chapters in and there were multiple moments in which the author switched scenes and forgot to give crucial information of what happened inbetween, which made the scenes weird, incohesive or it felt like pages were missing. It's not time skip scenes per se either, in chapter 6/7 for example the boss suddenly pops up and the interaction suggest he interacted/was seen by the MC before....which didn't happen. It might seem minimal but when reading it throws you off and out of the immersion. Not to mention it makes you double check to see if you missed a page or even a chapter (if you took a small break from reading). The story itself is very interesting, the translation good and the characters nice, but the writing feels more on the amateur side given this simple mistake in writing. as for the flaw in writing, to simplify it: an author making the mistake of NOT portraying something that THEY know happened, but the reader does not. It might seem minimal or unimportant if you're not used to advanced writing, but for experienced readers this'll likely be a bothersome flaw. I hope it doesn't keep being this way, since I really find the story nice.

Isekai Otokonoko Biyaku Henai Cool na Ansatsusha ♂ ni Biyaku o Mottemitara

Ongoing | Shinsei lolishota | 2022 released

Another great smut art comic ruined by a fat ugly bastard as the one that nails the hot bottom. Just puke-worthy.