ReviewRaptor's manga / #DO NOT READ(118)

Slammer Dogs

Ongoing | Igingogi | 2023 released

The King of Home Cooking

Complete | Gawee | 2000 released

Review/Critique, so be warned. This works as a self-insert very well, but NOT if you're not exactly into the type of person the love interest here is and NOT if you cannot relate exactly to the MC. From the very start the story is weird and feels like emotions and thoughts do not come across well. As well as general intentions of anyone in this story. The MC is a bit of a weirdo but quite bland and simple. Yet the love interest is so weirdly random seemingly that it would have greatly benefitted him if the author hinted more at HIS side of emotions and intentions. Because, to me, first it felt like he was SUPER pissed that the MC wanted to use 'playing gay' as a means to win the show because he finds it offensive to use gayness as a gimmick. Yet, it turns out, he had been given a wishy-washy tsundere personality and he was into the MC. If it was portrayed differently, this might have worked okay but as it was done here, it just seems random. Almost like the author had no set script or really thought about the story much. It's funny for sure but the romance between them is just 'off' and feels randomly done just for the sake of getting them together SOMEHOW, by any means to get to the author's preferred part. I also find the love interest VERY unappealing in terms of personality tbh, but I'm sure someone will like a cranky jerk that thinks he can get upset about playing house and realizing it's not reality. XD It's probably a decent read for beginners but not for seasoned readers, but even there I'd not recommend it because it's honestly not that well written as a romance. As a comedy piece, sure, it's worth flipping the pages. But I'd not recommend it as a romance comic to anyone that asked me for recs. Sadly. Because, as someone below said: The premise IS very interesting. The execution is just badly done.


Ongoing | wageul | 2019 released

Okay so I started reading this but for some reason the writing just doesn't make the story intriguing. The characters also feel very bland somehow. I also have a hard time finding ANY appealing quality in the 'love interest' of the MC. Not a very good combo for a comic in my opinion. Which is a shame since I'm running out of stuff to read while updates take ages to roll in. XD

He Can't Be This Dumb!

Ongoing | Navi | 2019 released

This is SOOOO utterly boring. 2 chapters and I have already lost interest in all the blabbering about the school, rules, how rich everybody is, etc.. And then they threww in random magic bullshit? No thank you. ^^ The writing is very over the place and didn't settle for a clear introduction and making things quick that REALLY are very uninteresting. Shame, since the art is nice. But that is not a saving grace in my book.

The Lost Cinderella

Ongoing | | 2022 released

I'm at chapter 5 only and I must say, the plot feels quite rushed. Like a condensed version of a detailed plot, loosing detail along the way to move along quicker, if you know what I mean? The art should have gone the usual plan of portraying the characters in a suggestive way tho that makes us wonder if they are suddenly evil but before were not (as it was portrayed, the Duke seemed just as emotionally constipated as any other moment, little bit dick-head-ish too ngl), spoiler/'spoiler' ahead if what I heard is correct: If this story is the regular trope of the new woman having manipulative magic abilities, then the artist should DEFINITELY have hinted at her being suspect and the ML being somewhat different all of a sudden, visually I mean.Even just his eyes being less highlighted would have done the trick for me. No need to make a huge deal about adding extra stuff. As it is now, it feels weird, lackluster and like he only behaves the way he needs to in the moment. In a way it makes sense, because we only see things from the MCs perspective, but it is a very weird read when it feels like the ML just acts like the moment calls for instead of obviously being different all of a sudden. Kinda like a MacGuyver moment, but in shitty and annoying. X'D EDIT: Chapter 7 now - There is quite a few very confusing, abrupt and weird scene changes that do not happen in a smooth or clear manner. Just, POOF, this happens now. XD I am also not fond of this type of plot in general tbh. Because authors tend to portray this plot as 'its the guys fault BUH' but fail to acknowledge: Had she said even once or twice that the maids, butlers and so on do NOT treat her appropriately, most if anything of this would not even have happened. I LOATHE plots like this, it's nonsensical, idiotic and makes me really think authors love to use the men as scapegoats because they don't want to admit fault in their 'heroine' even in the most basic and obvious ways. The ending of chapter 7 has me thinking the artist does NOT pay attention to the story btw. That expression at the end did NOT match the dire realization/situation the MC is in. Kinda disappointing tbh. That SHOULD have been an impactful, emotional moment, but it was dull, boring and basically glossed over in a certain sense. I do hope it gets better and less rushed. Putting in more detailwork to emphasize emotions and let things take a moment to settle in would do this comic VERY well. EDIT 2: The more I read, the more annoying the story somehow gets. It's like the characters are only likable when they have a pair of tits, literally all males are portrayed/condensed to: men evil. ALL of them feel bland. And they all seem to just be there, doing a dumb. It's ridiculous to think the Duke would NOT have an aid to talk to, guards to talk to, servants etc. THEY EXIST, wtf is the author doing ignoring the simple factor of having him go talk to them sternly after finding out fuck ups?? Nothing else makes any decent sense. This is just drama for drama's sake. Which has never been good writing btw. I also noticed that the story goes with this logic: We never portray the Duke actually giving a shit about the MC, but all of a sudden, when she tries to leave, he feels the need to stop her 'despite being manipulated' by the magic of the new woman. That makes NO sense. At least not if you do not even once portray him caring about her. This is writing 101 at this point. And the story didn't nail it. wtf. XD If this keeps going, I'll definitely drop this. I caught myself wanting to just flip pages to move to something interesting already, which isn't good. EDIT 3: Scratch that last part, I'm out. I cannot stand more of this nonsense. This story might be a decent read for younger, inexperienced readers, but not for seasoned readers that like cohesive and good writing.

The Holy Spirit Who Transgresses

Ongoing | San eung | 2022 released

The writing is absolutely lackluster. The author knows the story but does not explain it in even so much as the first chapter, you're just thrown random TINY bits of info and that's it, you're supposed to know wtf just happened and it sufficing as an adequate information to understand the setting. This is VERY shit writing and it's honestly making me loose all interest. Not sure if it'll get better later on (I heavily doubt it tho) but I for one will not bother reading this.


Ongoing | Kuaikan comics | 2022 released

With the white-hair dude having SUCH a shit personality and their interaction at the very start already being SO weird, I'll not even bother with this.


Ongoing | Seonmyeong , Chub | 2000 released

It's been 18 chapters now and I finally realize why I cannot stand the MC: Among his many writing flaws such as randomness in chucking in mental problems or issues without any clear reason (the strangling bullshit) he also is literally like a fucking cat. That explains perfectly why he's so obnoxious at many times. It's certainly not the main issue i have with his character, but it sure plays a role. XD But anyway, REVIEW TIME: I honestly do not like this comic. I HEAVILY dislike the randomness of throwing in stuff and never addressing the root of it (because that strangling bs DOES warrant a strong reasoning besides 'born on streets' and 'shitty upbringing by criminal') and then kinda just ignoring it was a thing. Just like he ignored the children that will likely also be pushed into crime and prostitution despite him having a LITERAL instant-solving tool right next to him now; the prosecutor. (And the comic explained it away by saying; "I don't care, me feeling uncomfy in my new home is more important than worrying about saving children that are starved, abused and made to do things such as crimes." It also doesn't sit well with me that the prosecutor blamed himself for offending the MC when it was very clearly a YOU-problem for the MC. Getting offended by that situation to THAT degree was definitely a you-problem. Gives Karen-vibes tbh. I know what the story was going for, but the comic doesn't really do a good job with it all. I have no idea if the novel is better but I dare say it likely is. Maybe even more detailed since, as we all know, these comics LOVE to ignore important details in writing which make a story work or simply ruin it all. This comic also seems to really chuck in trauma-based behavior just to have it there rather than it being realistically portrayed as good as possible. That reflects in his very sudden and random possessiveness/entitlement to a dregree but more so in the strangling bs, that literally made zero sense except being a literal psychopath. Which the MC is not, so yeah. :/ As I really do not care for the MC and the prosecutor isn't really interesting either (he comes across as very empty and shallow, kinda like a McGuyver episode tool that does something as needed in that very moment), I have no desire to read more. Not even to see how they get together tbh. It's just not interesting to me in any way, it even has more minus points in my books than anything. Which is sad, since the core story is incredibly interesting, just the execution is really not done well. :/ This is likely a case by case thing, so read it for yourselves to see if this all is something you too would be bothered by. I do believe those that like annoying cat people/obnoxious-type tsundere/literal asshole-type cat behavior (not interaction triggered one!) will like this more than other people, based on how he behaves (he really is a literal cat, randomly getting pissed on his own accord - this is NOT cute in animals or humans, btw). It's not my thing, but many people can surely like it. Again; this really depends on taste.

Saturday's Master

Ongoing | D.od | 2022 released

First of all: Happy reading for those who do not care for a better base plot than "i randomly wanna help you all of a sudden, but you gotta let me fuck you". I honestly cannot stand this kinda weird, random porn logic in plots. XD I TRIED reading this but honestly this just isn't appealing in any way. Even the art is just on an okay level for my standards. But all in all it's the story itself that I have an issue with, not the art. The story tries to go for seriousness with a workplace shennanigans plot, then throws in the most ridiculous porn plot to justify getting the characters into a relationship (literally at random btw), neither character is appealing or interesting and there is literally nothing within the introduction chapters that actually makes me want to keep reading. For me this failed on every front except the grammar or fluent storytelling (little that there is). Which is not enough to keep me here. Tiven the plot is literally just a basic porn plot with wannabe seriousness thrown in to bait you, I really see zero appeal for me here. It could be a nice page flipper for horny moments if people are looking for that, but this is very empty and dry in every way for me. Sadly. This likely depends on personal taste and standards for writing/story setups, so I suppose the usual applies; give it a shot, but I warned you.

Unfinished Business

Ongoing | Ant studio | 2022 released

And ANOTHER one for the shitty omegaverse list. Can these authors stop being degenerates please?