I find myself completely bored and entirely uninterested at chapter 31 already.
The base plot is a great idea and interesting, but the execution is very amateur-ish and almost child-like the way scenarios are written. Things are rushed, emotions or sense of urgency are not delivered properly, all while some parts are dragged out in dialogue that I really couldn't care less about since the characters are just not interesting but just annoying.
It might be a good read for new readers or people who are bored. But for those with interest in well-written, well fleshed out and interesting writing...this isn't it. Even as a page-flicker I don't see this working since there is not gonna be a definite goal to flip through for (a kiss for romances, marriage for a trouble couple plot, etc.). It's just not interesting and if you have experience with writing, you can already tell this story will drag on and on and only reach a mildly satisfying goal (since the goal of the MC is NOT a big one to begin with).
I'll drop this and give it a hard pass on all fronts. Not even the art can save it, it's mid really.
Give it a try, but be warned if you have higher standards when it comes to stories. That's really all I can say.
The Precious Girl Does Not Shed Tears