Rent Boy
it was a really interesting story and the art is soooo beautiful but it got darker and darker which made it really exciting.but i wish we could've seen more wholesome chapters about the couple because the ending was kinda rushed and the father shouldn't have died ): i still love it tho
Psycho (Young Dream) Webtoon
started off really cute but the white haired guy became so possessive at the point it got creepy. ending was horrible too, really regret reading this
Hotel Phryne
it was a really interesting story since you keep trying to find out who the real person is. if ur looking for a good romance i wouldn’t recommend it as quickly cause this story is not really focused on that.
it was one twisted rollercoaster and idrk how to feel about it.. it was good but i feel like the ending is unrealistic and not really healthy. they destroyed each other and healed each other? don’t know how that works and if this “peace” will last long but it was well written over all. i mean you can't really expect love with such storylines.
Truth or Dare