Oltrepassassi's manga / #Deceit(3)

Renai Kyoutei Nukegake Nashi!

Complete | Sakuragi Yaya,Kazumi Maki | 2005 released
2016-04-29 13:16 marked

Unknowable Mind

Complete | taira | 2000 released

That was a wiiiiiiilllllld unnecessary ride. And that ending was just thrown on to damper the dumpster fire. Maybe it's a cultural thing, but criminals shouldn't go on living happy lives. She needs extreme psychiatric intervention, and the main couple shouldn't just brush it off and shrug. What. The. Hell. Plenty of smut, pretty art, but... what....

Bought: The Greek's Baby

Ongoing | Jennie lucas | 2019 released
2022-03-19 08:15 marked