Houtou Musuko to Koi no Ana
it was so cute but so angsty. basically souske met his childhood friend again and ever since they were kids, he has been in love with him, but the thing is, he thought that minori was a girl instead of a boy, so when they meet up again he gets all confused and shit. but, minori has always felt the same way to but felt like it was wrong to admit it. so then things take off from there, angst, chasing after love, falling in love, finally excepting your in love, and getting together. a nice story good plot and a good ending!!!!! but p.s they are technically cousins??? kinda but i think its just japanese for being close to almost be cousins idk.
Encirclement Love
kinda like a foursome but not? a group of four friends, two get caught making out and having sex, the other two see them and start to become interested in each other. then the two that got caught making out take the other two to a love hotel and both couples get it on right next to each other. v hot.
Dream Away