Ara's manga / #smut(3)

Summer Solstice Point

Complete | yuju | 2019 released
2021-06-19 10:21 marked
Tags: smut

Heard its a good straight smut with proper consent and logic

Run Away, Assistant Manager Ha!

Complete | LattePanda | 2000 released
2023-06-03 20:26 marked
Tags: smut

I liked it! Starts out with them being fwb. The ML pressures MC into it. The MC starts out as a pushover but develops gradually. Some actions of the ML while they are fwb makesme want to throw him off a cliff. 1. He pressures MC into the fwb situation 2. He makes MC work as his temp manager 3. !!!SPOILER!!!! He mistreats him at the afterparty. Instead of comforting gim, he tells himto strip?? And then has the audacity to be annoyed that the MC obeyed?? Disgusting behavior Most of the time tho, ML treats MC well enough. I think. I don't remember that much HOWEVER After the two of them become a couple, they are both very sweet to each other. I think it happens in ch 28? I liked reading this part best. So on re reads, I recommend going through ch 28 and later