Playtime with Hakdo
This had the potential to be a really great story. Then, the second season happened. The whole "siblings uncomfortable with homosexuality" really gives of this vibe of, "You should feel guilty for being gay because other people are too immature to handle it." I lost interest at that point. Who your brother or sister gets hot and heavy with is nunya. Nunya damn business. And NO ONE should ever feel guilty for being true to themselves. Ever. Since I didn't finish this homophobic codswallop, I don't know if this lesson is portrayed. I hope it was, but coming from Korea and seeing comments that say the story is open ended, I have my doubts. If you can't be yourself, who are you going to be? Being anyone but yourself is fake and a lie. So, if you have to be someone, be yourself and be the best you you can.
Nichoume No Nagai Yoru
Whoa! What just happened?!?! That was incredible... for the start of a MUCH longer story!
The Boss is too Much!!!
Gorgeous art, remedial writing. Abrupt, unfinished ending.
Danshaku No Aijin
Incomplete: Chapter 5 has been missing for years.
Sokuochi Yarichin Yankee