Happy End o Shinjiteru
I will never forgive Sensei for all that build up and talk about sex only to not grant us a true sex scene. But it was truly really fucking funny!
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
*SPOILER WARNING* I like this - but seriously, 15 volumes with only miniscule personal growth from Ritsu? And basically no progression in the main characters relationship? If I was Takano my heart would be in shatters. There's a limit to how long something can be dragged out. The other couples had way more growth and their dynamics are much more refreshing and nowhere near as samey. This manga has been coming out for over 15 years and when it came out in english I bought the first 11 volumes. Came here because vol 14 and 15 were up and I had some hope there had been some development but now I'm calling it here, wont bother reading the next volumes.
Eccentric Hobby