Crispy_Robin's manga / #Idol(7)

Furete, Aishite, Dakishimete

Complete | KINOSHITA Neri | 2018 released

It was good The first story was good and I wanted more of it......loved how the seme helped uke to cure his trauma(uke was sexually assaulted which made him afraid of getting touched by a result he pretended to be a top when he was a bottom and then the seme proposed him....loved how the seme was fine with being a bottom if the uke were to accept him).... didn't like how uke's trauma was cured altogether....would have kinda liked it more if it was more like the uke was only fine being touched by seme and no one else.... Second one was good....Hoped that the second story would actually be the part of the main series(Ijiwaru Shinai de Dakishimete) rather than this one... nonetheless liked it....was kinda hoping to see the seme suffer the uke being angry with the seme and then the seme becoming desperate Third story was was cute and interesting.....would have loved to see more of the couple....they were cute ngl....loved how the uke ended up enjoying singing again due to seme(the uke kinda ended up forgetting the feeling of happiness of singing as he was feeling suffocated with no privacy as a big idol...and then he met seme.....ended up hanging out with him privately and ended up enjoying singing again) was cute how the seme jokingly said that maybe the reason seme was enjoying singing again bcz of him and the uke was like don't be full of urself whereas that was the truth.....

Mr.Arihara's Secret Circumstances

Complete | Neri Kinoshita | 2000 released

It was good the first story was very good....the dynamic was great....loved how the uke had gap moe(he acts aloof and mysterious but actually he is a clumsy guy with sweet tooth)...and then love his manager(uke is an actor)...would have loved to see a story of his ngl(would be great if it is with uke's childhood frnd)....the extra where the uke was watching seme's movie and then a kiss scene came I was kinda hoping to see the uke being jealous(the seme wanted the same lol).... unfortunately he wasn't jealous (tho the seme was lonely as the uke was full on concentrated on the movie) ....wanted more of the second was good but really small....would have loved to see more of the couples lifestyle ngl....loved it how the seme was completely ready to give up on his acting career for the uke's sake (uke was feeling insecure as the seme was a really famous actor and he felt that the seme was getting further and he asked the seme to break up and when the seme asked for the reason when he told the truth the seme said that he would rather give up on his acting career)....loved how they showed that due to uke's encouragement the seme ended up becoming an actor Was kinda hoping that the third story would be the story of the master from the prequel was fine....liked how they showed that the uke kinda saved the seme(seme used to be bullied and isolated because of his hair....and then the uke told that uke loved his hair)....felt kinda fast ngl....would have kinda loved it if there were more scene of them together before the uke proposed the seme and all.....loved the seme's character tho....

BJ alex

Complete | Mingwa | 2000 released

It was good.... The main couple was fine....kinda didn't like how the uke just went with everything the seme asked for he was such a big simp..... despite the seme literally telling him from the start that their shouldn't be feelings involved, he was constantly like what if he falls for me and was constantly thinking(he did this so he might love me etc a literal grade schooler)......he finally realized shits when he saw a picture that was crumbled in seme's house(basically seme got drunk and the uke took care of that time when the uke was gonna go, the seme ended up hold onto uke and asked uke not to go and called him hyung.....seme was in love with his hyung in the past and then the uke thought something might be wrong since uke was a junior.....and then saw the crumbled pic in seme's wardrobe....the pic was with three was seme, the other was seme's brother and last one was someone who uke loved in the past).....the chasing arc felt really finally the uke was done going after the seme and decided to not give in but then gave in as soon as the seme was like "I love you" was like small.....wanted a bigger redemption arc(tho the seme didn't really do anything bad....I mean he said from the beginning that no feelings involved) The second couple was very good ....really loved them....wanted more of them....but their story could have been better(their story was the side story) I really liked the premise....but really wanted the seme to just keep on calling the uke for his stream and then end up kissing someone I gs....more like uke seeing the seme in a relationship would be better(the seme and uke was sm partner and would stream it in an adult streaming website....the seme proposed to the uke and the uke rejected saying he only wanted business relation with seme....the seme got angry and did a dangerous play and then was gonna nearly make him out of breath by choking him when the uke refused to say the safe word....the uke didn't say it out of pride....and then the seme stopped calling for the uke....later the uke met someone who was his type and when he told that someone about wanting to continue his relationship with the seme as his sm partner....that someone ended up saying he was fine with it and would even go with uke to take seme's approval about them being together ....then it turned out that someone is seme's previous am partner that seme kicked out and he approached the uke just to get to seme.....and then the seme told both of them to have sex Infront of him and the seme would choose the one he wanted as his uke....when while doing it the seme got involved and that someone ended up kissing seme, the uke said the safe word....and then seme kicked that someone again.....and then the uke told the reason y he rejected seme was cz he was afraid, since all his rltnship always ended in disaster and he didn't want his rltnship with seme to end ....)...

Koubutsu wa Ichiban Saigo ni Hara no Naka

Complete | TSURUSAWA Tsutako | 2015 released

It was fine..... The first couple was fine..... didn't feel like their was any chemistry at it's kinda hinted that the seme liked how uke smelled(It's a supernatural world where they were mutated from cat to cat person....and like pheromones play a big role kinda.....and well b4 uke and seme's meeting.....seme was shown to be sleeping in a bench where uke was feeding a cat and the seme's manager went to him and was like don't go wherever u want and not to sleep that time the seme was like now the smell is gone....and that time uke was there....) but it wasn't told and the seme started to go after the uke out of nowhere(it felt like that). The second couple was fine ....didn't really felt like the uke loved the seme tbh....tho yh the uke was like into him from the start(like he would smell seme's pheromones and well also he did let his pheromones out for seme....but it's just he was like no the seme should be with someone younger....since the uke is an old guy but then he just agreed and all when the seme caught uke sniffing seme's jacket.....there just could have been more drama and the fact uke was only after seme cz of his face was kinda annoying) The third story was good ...I really wanted the seme to ignore uke tbh(the uke always wanted to go for handsome faces and the seme wasn't that handsome....uke released his pheromones for someone else and the seme ended up getting entangled and they ended up doing it.....later on the same would make uke meet handsome guys and when the uke would let out his pheromones the seme would have sex with the was kinda annoying seeing the uke being all handsome handsome and the seme forcing the uke also felt annoying ....and then later the uke was Infront of them but actually ended up letting his pheromones thinking about the seme ....seme ended up getting angry about the fact that the uke was all after them bcz of their handsome face and despite the seme being so persistent uke didn't choose him......and then he ended up pulling uke in a room and was like u r still after them and all....and tried to force the uke.....and then the uke was like the pheromones was cz of u.....really wanted instead of seme pulling uke....he would rather ignore uke) The last one was in between fine and was really weird.....but for some reason it felt wtf story was it but still it's cool story.....really weird....the uke is seme's uncle and the uke is like dumb and is all about the seme......he is like obsessed with the seme after he was born and became dumb cz all he thought was about seme.....and the seme became possessive, manipulate and also obsessive with the uke.....weird

Kobutsu Ha Kossori Kakushite Hara No Naka

Ongoing | Tsutako tsurusawa | 2019 released

It was fine.... The first couple was good.....liked how the seme wanted to wait for the uke to be an adult before going after him but couldn't(the uke approached him and ended up letting his pheromones out....and also ended up proposing him).....kinda wanted to see uke's dad being mad at seme(they r co-workers.....both r idols and seme used to usually babysit uke cz of that....and later on when the uke had triplet was noisy and all so the seme allowed the uke to be in his house....they were in the same building b4) The second story was was kinda annoying how the uke kept on saying no to the seme despite loving's true he had separation anxiety disorder so he was afraid....but the constant thinking of he will leave me so I can't be with him despite the seme being persuasive made me feel kinda annoyed....besides at the end when the uke was like I was Soo happy that I felt like I could die when I was with u was the reason he ran from seme was honestly annoying..... The third story was good.....didn't really like how their was constant mention of blood being there with uke's urine(blood comes out along with his urine when he is stressed and he was stressed when he saw seme smiling with someone else)...... otherwise it was very good....after seeing the seme smiling with someone else, the uke confronted him by asking if he wanted to get neutered was funny loll was also cute seeing the seme bought his co-worker with him to uke's workplace in order to make uke jealous but then the co worker ended up attacking uke lol...

Koubutsu ha Mayonakano Uchini Haranonaka

Complete | Tsurusawa tsutako | 2022 released

It was fine.... The first one was bad....the seme drugged the uke and made uke secrete pheromones and then had sex and the uke felt guilty thinking the seme was forced to have sex with the uke cz of his felt annoying at the start when the uke was wishy-washy and was like I like him but I am old and if he leaves me I will regret it and all.....kinda made me angry at the uke and then we got to know about seme drugging uke which made if more annoying....the worst part is that the uke just forgave the nothing.....and they started to be in a relationship..... The second couple was very good.....loved them in the previous one and even in this one....I really love how the seme is Soo possessive of the uke and the fact that for the uke the seme felt Soo handsome was such a good thing(in the previous story the uke always rejected the seme cz he wasn't good looking enough for him....but after falling for him the seme looked real handsome to the uke)....loved how both of them were so in love with each other and the uke getting jealous this time was very good..... didn't really like how the other guy just wanted to make his fiance jealous and all and so started hovering around the seme(tho yh the uke got jealous cz of it it's good) The third story was fine.....despite the uke acting like he is in love with the seme it still feel like he ain't(maybe cz it felt like that in the main one.....the uke was older so he wanted the seme to be with someone younger.....and when he accepted the seme it felt like he didn't really love him....he cared more about his face than anything) couldn't get into it much....

From Here It Is A Secret

Complete | HAYANE Dento | 2000 released

It was very good... Start and end:18th Aug 2024