Strap-on Girl and Bitch Boy
Mellow Pillow
Rating: 8 The art style I love, and I can just smell the drama that would've been. I would love to see how their relationship progressed since it left a cliffhanger for the readers to wallow in. Loved! SUMMARY Suffering with insomnia after losing his favorite sleeping pillow, a university student finds the next best thing, a guys ass?! (Basically the jist of it)
Kawaii Obaka-kun
There is a one-shot in between that is like WTF?!?! WHY THE CLIFFHANGER LEMME KNOW THIS SHIIIIII main story is favorite then there is another real simple cute one, no "real" sex sences cri
Prideful Slender Girl Gets Chubby
Worship My Voice
Main story is a voice acting one and I love all the stories in-between!! This is a series and this is the first one woot
Teasing Voice
I love how they all tye stories come together and the ones hots in between this series is a fun bonus. I live for this classic yaoi old fashioned sorta story telling <3
Polarity Frustration