Demonic Evolution
7 - godfuckingdamnit i love this artstyle SO MUCH and my boy ang is INCREDIBLE I NEED THIS TO UPDATE SOO BADDD UGH FUCKING FUCK MAN ITS SO COOL
Dawn of the Dragon
60- WEEPS FOR THEM 54- omfg.. so.. did he die before he ate the orb and that's why it took them so long to find eachother again? sobbing regardless , i love them 53 - sobsf 40 - i love them so much i'm gonna puke 35 - going to cry this is the dynamic i want with ryan and jay fr 34 - they make me so fucking happy and sad and happy i love them so fucking much what the hell 28 - mami
I Became the Hero's Mom
Turning a Crazy Dog Into a Young Master
i fucking love them AUGHSKHDHD
The Tragedy of a Villainess
92 - WAAAHAHAA 65- i... i finally caught up,,, SERIAAAAA I LOVE YOUUUUUU and i'm pretty sure rouche's aid is a southern elf or something, maybe a south elf, idk or maybe he's like half siren- regardless he's either whole or half magical creature i'm so curious why he asked seria to forgive him.... does this have a novel?? i think i need to speed read the novel 40- get your goddamn hands off her you pig
Vengeance from a Saint Full of Wounds