Smile Kudasai
Chapter 2.2 is last read chapter.
Yome Ni Konai Ka
You go grandpa XD Can't the grandpa have 6 page extra where you see him with a guy blushing on the last page that would be so cute
Issho ni Kuraso
Story 1 Toda gets a job transfer bot the main branch and decides to live with matsushita whom he meet during his training. Story 2 Otoda and Kitada are childhood friends who have known each other since school. Otoda regularly confesses to Kitada but is he serious? Story 3 Sasuke's parents die and he ends up in a brothel a few years later zenji finds him and starts playing shogi with him. (Edo period i think not to good on my history) Story 4 kenji is introduced to youhei ,a model by ,his friend when he asks his to introduce him to some one. Story 5 Hashimoto falls in love at first site with Nishi but he just can't help bullying his kohai. Story 6 Continuation of the 1st story
Tsuki no Ookamiotoko
1 matial arts kouhai sempai ( twin A) 2 +3 twin B has a crush on twin A and his lover knows... 4 artist model 5 rebelious student prep school teacher 6 good looking student photographer who has secretly been taking pictures of him 7 scandalous singer manager
Ouji-sama No Hiyaku Jikken
Last read chapter - 2 Cute but plotless
Ai no Kotoba mo Shiranaide