Love Is An Illusion
13th yaoi. 2nd omegaverse. This is my second try since Everyone loves it and it's one of the most popular. Gotta be good right? So first I didn't know it wasn't finished but I guess It's near the end. I actually loved this. I got hocked by the 5th chapter and then it was all good. Definitely deserves the clout. Shouldn't really judge a story by the art style or coloring at first. I liked how the characters were well developed and had actually depth and details in their personality. I absolutely love Byul since I have the softest spot for kids and it's my second yaoi with a child from the main couple. I didn't like the side couple as much but it's usually the case for me so it's no different. The side story was basically just the continuation of the story except the part that includes the side couple, should have gone with that instead of adding more chapters to the side than main story. I guess it's all good still since I would give it a 5 but I will go with a 4. I would give it a 4.5 exactly. The author added even more details to the verse which made it more interesting and colored more pages than expected.
-50kg Cinderella
Its finally finished after years. I have it a 4 star before. Maybe I would give it less like a 3.75 or 3.5 stars. I reread it and I think it's ok. It's made like a classic old school shoujo. I think the relationship is a bit weird but cute. The ML didn't even text her at all and just leaves her hanging multiple times. She does cry a lot but it's ok. What makes me mad if her not realising people are being awful to her like touching her without consent and using pictures of her too. Very creepy behaviour treated a bit too normally. I also feel like there were more chapters but I'm probably wrong. I would have wanted a bit more progressing. A lot of stuff moved too fast like the beginning with them being in love after meeting once and the ending when they just jump to a wedding a kids in 2 chapters. I would have liked seeing them open up to each other more physically but I guess it's not a rated R even tho it could be done without showing too much. Overall, a cute manga that took too many years for too little chapters. Waiting for it was annoying as there were no releases at all. I do like a transformation story even tho this one was more focused on the psychological aspect as we didn't see her transform at all. Cute and many romantic scenes. I wish a had seen her get more mad and annoyed at people. It would have done a lot to her character. She just feels like a guy's fantasy with her feeling no negative emotions except towards herself.
Bloody Sweet
I relate soo much with the female lead it makes me sad and relieved at the same time.
Chasing the Sun
One of the most adorable mangas ever !! So cute ! Finished in only a few hours !
Second Lead Complex
this manhua about second lead syndrom gave me second lead syndrom. I felt so bad for Sa Neul at first but then you realize that he still got his female lead that he loves so everyone wins. Even the female lead who was forgotten wins. It's very cute and special and I love Yeoni. She is soo cute. It still hurts you to know that Sa Neul wil never get Yeoni but that's just how life is. He still got someone he loves with him.
The Voice Next Door