Prequel - Ubawareru Koto Marugoto Zenbu
Side Story - Ai ga Matteru
Sequel - Ai ga Aru Kara Ii ja Nai
related to:
indirect Prequel - Weak Sadist (
Spin-Off - Furikaette Mite Mireba?(not yet translated)
pages 1-110 = Co-workers of Yoshinaga from Ubawareru Koto Marugoto Zenbu, The restaurant owner(who loves many things) x chef(came from a infidelity relationship)
pages 114-182 = Sequel of couple from Ubawareru Koto Marugoto Zenbu
pages 187-198 = Festival for all couples
pages 199 - cute flashback of couple from Ubawareru Koto Marugoto Zenbu
Suki Toiunoni Nazekashira