Sequel of: Hanayome-kun Chapters 1-5: main story Chapter 6: students, glassss Chapter 7: brothel Chapter 8: extra of main story
Goshujinsama to Wanko
Sex Pistols
Chapter that LAST makes sense to me is chapter 60 when the counselor goes to school to confront the student who tries to break the tombstone against kanamori sensei. ━━ ◇◇◇◇ ━━ ◇◇◇◇ ━━ Chapter 51-53: Izuru Tokagi (fox dog) & Rinda Akamata (half snake & fox dog) friend of Minami Tokashiki (madarame's youngest sibling) Izuru breaks up with Rinda thinking Rinda was the same species as him, a middleweight fox dog from his mother side but he turned out to be a heavyweight snake from father side. Chapters 54-64: Issei Kagashi (snake) manami's friend x Issa Kanamori (raccoon) teacher with complicated locked soul by Dr. Mibu. Now the tomb seal became a time bomb that have to be dismantled by Makio Madarame (Haruki Madarame who's also inside Makio) & Issei's father Ryusei. They will help Issei disarm the bomb from soul space. Chapters 63-64 have a slight backstory of Haruki Madarame & Ryusei Kagashi including Inukai, Makio, Tsuruitsu Omikado & Ryui Mibu. It's about how they met & were all attracted to Haruki (as part of a mer species) & eventually disappear due to their father's meddling.
Rakuen Gentei Renai Jijou