Haru no Nioi
Chapter 1: flowershop clerk and customer who visits monthly. Chapter 2: childhood friends, the 1st one came back from a broken heart, the one have unrequited love towards the other. Chapter 3: schoolmates who saw the rainbow atand the same time and fell in love. Chapter 4: lovers, the other one keeps on fantasizing about the progress in their relationship, but in reality the other one starts having doubts about their non-progressive relationship.
Kousoku Syndrome
Chapters 1-4: story about a highschool student traumatized by a pedo, saved by his friend, now he met his neighbor, needing an assistant, he doesn't hesitate since he also needed money, but he doesn't know that the work includes somewhat like re-enacting his trauma, but instead, he was confused since he's so aroused from the roleplay. chapter 5-6: story about editor & main character's bestfriend. <3 <3 <3
Omae Allergy