Yukitoshi has a bit of an inferiority complex about his old classmate from university, Tomoe. Tomoe comes from a rich family, is perfect at work and a great lawyer. Yuki's old girlfriend even left him to join Tomoe's fanclub! When Tomoe gets headhunted to work for Yukitoshi's uncle's law firm, Yuki curses his bad luck. But is it really all bad? I really, really, really like Yuki! He is a lovely character! That gentleness and devotion, how hardworking he is, how compassionate he is. I really love it. Tomoe, though. Poor baby. What a terrible life he's had. Takashi was such an angel, to have loved him like his own flesh and blood for so long, despite being so young, himself. Not in a million years does Tomoe's cowardly, measly excuse for a brother deserve a hair on his head! And yet, Takashi will wait for him. Love is truly blind. It's amazing that Tomoe has remained so wonderful despite being treated like that by his family for so long. Overall, I felt the story should have been fleshed out and more detailed. Twice as long, if possible. As it is, it's hard to give the plot justice, but it was mostly still great. Sex scenes could have been shorter, the story didn't really need any. 5
Futari de Papa Hajimemashita
Upon return from an overseas posting after 2 years, Nogi is reunited with his coworker Aoyama, who turned Nogi down in the past, saying that he didn't want to date Nogi, because Nogi was originally straight. But now it seems Aoyama has a kid. And the kid (Tsumu) and Aoyama are as adorable as ever? And Nogi is still as in love as ever?! Nogi is a kind and capable seme and Aoyama is such a sweetheart, who cares so much about his people. And Tsumu is the best kid in a yaoi manga, maybe ever. Love the lack of terrible, homophobic people around them. Not realistic, but you need stories like this, sometimes. And I really loved that he got to hear his parents' thoughts, in the end. He really, really needed that, I imagine. 5
Koufuku wa Kimi no Tonari ni
1: Satoru who gets left behind at the alter is comforted by his long time friend Daichi. But does Daichi, who happily feeds him and looks after him, only have friendship in his heart? I like that Satoru was hard working. And that he cared so much for Daichi. I don't like that mangaka gave him a general air of incompetence for no apparent reason. Daichi is obviously wonderful, between his unwavering feelings and gentle nature. 4.6 3: Kanata's nextdoor neighbour Hayato is a carefree person who spends his money at the slot machines and brothels. Useless as he is, he doesn't seem to realise Hayato's feelings at all. But one day, he asks Hayato to help him scratch a certain itch. Kinda have to agree with Chika here. I don't get why Hayato is into him. And even though he does try to improve himself, not only do we not see the final results, Hayato actually dissuades him from trying!! Also, asking a high schooler to help you masturbate because you're too broke to go to the brothel? Ewww. And then still not realising Hayato's feelings after everything! Next! 3.4 4: Ryo runs into Min having sex with his sex friend at school, only to learn afterwards how badly Min is being treated. Ryo resolves to become Min's friend and keep him from getting hurt, only to find himself developing more than friendly feelings for Min Mins was sweet and all, but I think Ryo is such a wonderful character. I love how he had no ulterior motives, not even curiosity. He genuinely just wanted to be Min's friend and protect him from assholes like Min's old sex friend. I also really like that Min didn't comment on certain aspects of Ryo's physiology negatively, instead telling him he's beautiful. It was very heartwarming. Would have liked to read more. Much more. 4.8 5: The new hire Shiba is just Nagaoka's type. But he's unfortunately straight. Nagaoka resolves himself to dealing with his feelings quietly but and unexpected situation presents itself during the company hot spring inn trip. 4.4 They're obviously great together and both very likable too. But the sex was too vanilla and disappointing. Even with that shaving scene, which should have been smoking hot, by all counts. Overall: one miss and several mildly good to extremely good ones. 4.3
Welcome to the Café of Love
Deceptively large number of chapters for something that is a relatively lighter read. Ingyu is a frail incubus who is always put down and shackled by his family. Frustrated with the society at large in Devildom, he makes a bargain with the new heir to Satan's throne, who sends him off to the human world with a fallen angel as a body guard (Taegyu). There, both soon become involved with a closed off human Ingyu fell in lust with at first sight (Kangin), his nosy but well meaning coworker (Jiho) and their creepy boss with an agenda of his own. By chapter 11, it was all I could do to keep reading, because the characters had so many annoying traits. But most of all, what frustrated me was how suddenly Ingyu started claiming he was in love and how standoffish and unreadable Kangin was. It caste the whole thing in a very shallow light. Ingyu's persistence annoyed me to no end, especially because Kangin was not receptive. But the plot intrigued me and I kept going. Man. Would I have missed out if I had dropped this!!! Not only was the plot very good, the characters went through such growth! Ingyu, with his devotion and determination, won me over a hundred times. And he was a quick thinker too, and certainly could hold his own. Kangin was closed off, yes, no doubt. But he definitely had a good reason. That kind of trauma doesn't go away easy. And I really appreciated how considerate he was of Jiho even in the beginning. And later on, he was so understanding and loving, absolutely enjoyed it. Jiho is such a sweetheart. He's so kind and generous. I really do think Taegyu doesn't deserve him, but well. There's no accounting for taste. Anyway, he does treat Jiho like he's special. Always did, I suppose. I would have loved to have seen more chapters of Taegyu losing control. Also wanted to see that arsehole of a sister get her just desserts. Kinda disappointed we don't get that kinda closure. Jiho and Kangin's boss can go fly a kite. Overall, this was very, very good. Excellent character development and engaging plot. 4.9
Itoshii Hito (SAKU Minori)
Homare hits on Junpei and takes advantage of his drunkenness, only to feel the guilt pile up once he realises just how drunk he is, and the fact that Pei has a kid. But between Pei's gentleness and the warmth of his little family, lonely Homare can't seem to stay away. OhMyGosh. This is tooth rotting fluff. For something that started out so bad, this sure took a turn in the right direction! Junpei's love and tenderness slowly but surely healed Homare's lonely, jaded heart. The sex was so tender and hot, too! I am so happy for them. Also loved that mangaka avoided the frankly overused and annoying trope of one incompetent partner in a relationship. I love that both of them were stable and providing for themselves. Also, what a sweetheart is Mashiro! He raised her so well! 5!
Sensual Reminder
Souhei is unable to enjoy sex unless he's tied down. As his sex friend, Lucas is happy to indulge him, yet as a man in love with Souhei, he yearns to set him free. I liked it more than I thought I would. Neither were especially lovable characters but the circumstances and plot endears them to the reader. I loved that Lucas was able to free Souhei from the confines of his trauma, and I liked his mom for being so supportive too. And I'm glad Souhei wasn't dense enough to let such a good thing go. As for his friemd, serves him right. Taking him for granted like that and trying to play God. Hmph. 4.5
Melt at Night
Tomo is having a hard time settling in at his work where his senpais can be a bit standoffish and his girlfriend also dumped because of his issues with sex (due to old, unaddressed trauma). While feeling down he runs into Haru, who thinks Tomo hired him as a call boy. But even with misunderstandings cleared, Haru seems willing to listen to Tomo's problems and help him out. I cannot sing enough praises to do justice to the perfection that is this manga. The characters, man. The characters! Tomo is the sweetest thing that ever sweeted. Ever! He's so considerate and gentle and just so goddamn nice?! I also love how competent he is at work. And I love that his workplace has become so much better now. Kuniharu may not think he is much, but he's the actual shit, man. He's so lovely, to carefully think about and try to solve the problems of a complete stranger. His gentleness with Tomo, his never needing to be prompted to quit that job, his overall charming self, he's earned an A* in my book. 5!
Yuto and Lyco
Great world building. Across the big lake is a country where therion and half therion (sentient beings with animal characteristics) rights are disregarded and they are treated like slaves and "pets". The country where everyone is treated equally finally manages to enforce a truce via allied forces and works to rescue refugees and survivors. One such rescued child is Lyco, who was badly mistreated as a "pet". He is temporarily housed with a social worker, Yuto but they love each other so much, that Yuto decides to adopt him permanently. Only, Lyco's feelings of love begin to evolve beyond familial regard. It's so well done. Lyco's so cute! He definitely deserves a lifetime of happiness, surrounded as he is by loving people. Yuto is such a kind person, and so supportive and definitely a great guardian. Choosing not to develop their relationship in a rush and not having them physically involved at this stage is a great decision the mangaka made. Very well done. 5
Hitsuji ni Narasete itadakimasu
Baba accidentally buys two really expensive masturbation sleeves one drunk night, even though he was hard up on money. When an acquaintance introduces him to part time testing work at Iida's sex toy research lab, Baba thinks the pay is almost too good to be true! And he is right... Sure, it's cute, and ends cutely, with the uke getting over his trauma. But is that supposed to make me feel better about him deliberately luring people in to his lab under the guise of work, only to sexually assault them without their knowledge?! That really sours everything for me, tbh. The only way I was able to read this was, Baba realized the truth and wanted to keep going. Trauma is not an excuse to do shitty things. 3.4
Sentimental Rodeo