After their Break-up
Most pointless break up ever. Shitty, shitty thing to do.
Fukakouryoku Unlock
Whoa! Would never have guessed. Regular story, very creative twist
Whaaat? What's up with the low score? This isn't bad at all sure, it's way too short, but the story isn't bad. Not developed, but certainly not a below 8 * story. Rating makes no sense O.o Edit: Apparently it's shota. Why do I not see that distinction in art. I always think it's just cutesy looking art, it doesn't even register!
Patchwork (fujitani Youko)
They are wonderful, for striving so hard to give this child some measure of happiness and love ('some' as in, any and all they could, and then some)
Yuki Iro Machiboke
No! Just. No. This is not a fucking ending, dammit! Honestly, this makes me so upset! How the heck does this get only 1 chapter but the shittiest plots get 20+?? How?? I think they're simply adorable together! Long live!
Don't Stay Gold
Mitsugetsukei Honey
Uke is a poor but hardworking law student, who gets randomly picked up to be a housekeeper (and something more) and supported by a guy who is successful but lonely, spurned by his family. Cute, sweet, non-problematic plot. Smart, hardworking and likable characters. Bit boring.
Wakatte Kudasai