Natsuiro Danshi
1: Two boys with the same surname become fas friends, only one of them harbours feelings that surpass friendship. 2: Friends started dating when they entered high school, but the seme won't do anything, leading uke to try all sorts of tricks to get in his pants. 3: Third year sempai re-joins soccer team after taking sophmore year off due to a leg injury and second year falls in love with him (mistakes him for a girl but finds out the next day)
Ore no Doukyuusei ga Binkan sugite Yabai
So, so cute. I love it! He actually ran off without his pants... :'D The last page really ties it off well
Pet Oshigotochuu
How cute. Kudou really improved upon acquaintance. Though I do wish the uke had more of a backbone.
Koi no Hajime
Why??? Why are all the mains so likable? They were all very nice characters. Showed so much depth in so few pages, the first seme (?) and the second and last ukes. 1: Rich young master starts working part time but he's super honest with not a single proud bone in his body 4 * 2: Butler who looked after rich young master all his life is now at a loss since he has moved out 3*, but only because I was so mad at his dad for restricting him that much. And not even because of concern over him, but rather because he wasn't performing his job well enough. Shame on you, dad! 3: Social recluse and old childhood friend who never lost touch start living close to each other again. 4* because tooooo short! But very heart warming, though.
Kuroneko to Futari Kurashi
Keep in mind: NOT yaoi or shounen ai.
Honto Yajuu
Shingeki No Kyojin Dj - Giant Baby
this be the cutest shift
Kamatte Kawaii Hito