Yankee-kun To Pantsu No Ouji-sama
This is SO 5* material, in fact, when I read the first couple chapters, I was all "Eh? Why is this rated 8.2? Normally, this would be around 8.6" *Now* it makes sense... It all boils down to the rapey Dad. Ugh. Fricking ruined it.
Noboseru Karada
I dunno why this is getting such bad reviews. it's not that bad at all. 1: Yoshinaga has classical pretty boy looks but is a hard working baker by profession. Being judged based on his face al his life has made him very reserved and unsure of himself. When his path crosses with the persistent calligrapher, Kusaba, sparks fly. Seme is just too persistent 4* 2.1: When Haruka tells his childhood best friend, Souta, that he might go to England to study in a sister-school, Haruka is confronted with the depth of Souta's feelings for him, that go well beyond friendship. All right, not great, not too bad. 4*
Hokenshitsu no Target
Whoop! Love the second story about the roommates so much! That was the most painful confession scene ever! The first is good too! I love semes who seem harmless at first glance but have that inherent mean streak while still being all-around good people *sigh* Good job, sensei! Edit: man, was I inexperienced when I wrote this review. While this was certainly an angsty unrequited love / sad confession, there are SO many bittersweet yaois it doesn't hold a candle to. And while the story with the mean seme is nice, I've read hotter. Like, waaay hotter.
Hoppe Ni Himawari
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.847311168622656.1073741854.513784798641963&s=96&refid=56#sthash.FaRe1Nqs.dpuf The beginning was dodgy, suddenly groping him like that, taking him to an isolated place, Arai gave off red flags left and right. But he stopped himself and apologised. He wasn't trying to rape him, in any case. He was careful more and more, later on. Certainly helpdd his case. Yone was such a sweet character ("fat with happiness", ahhh! my heart!) but the insecurity almost cost him his love. The middle was good, and towards the end was really nice 4.6
Elektel Delusion