The prince of proctology
Bloody Taboo
Holy shit. It's such utter crack, I was determined to hate it l. But, oh my God! It's actually pretty fucking hilarious!! Edit: The crack is really overboard, now. No character development and just uuuurgh Edit: 90?? That's toooo long for something rated under 9. Girl, bye
Boku no Omawarisan
Wth... Secind story, not first First a normal yaoi
Kimi wa Kokan no Mochigusare
Sakurada-senpai Kaizou Keikaku
I don't actually dislike it but Sakurada is the typical porn guzzling, past their 20s kinda mediocre dude who is unremarkable. Mibu is also kind of like a parody of a sadist and didn't really catch my interest at first But together, they are something good. Really loved that sex scene. It was unique and cracky af (like, what even is this mangaka on???) but somehow, touching? Sort of. Anyway, the last scene in the club stops me from rating this beyond 4.4
Darkness Hound