JSeagullVK's manga / #yakuza(56)

His Little Amber

Ongoing | Natsume Kazuki | 2000 released

Ch.7 Where is the next chapter???? It's soooo good. I cry .. omoo I want more Masih gantung Masih TBC.. huhu I will wait. Atau GK nanti aku akan cari. I love it Add: aku browsing2 jg GK Nemu dooong. Kmvrt. Sabar dah sabaarrr. Dah kepalang baper ini bacanya malah harus terhenti di ch.7 yg entah lanjut atau Ndak... Huaa nangisnya jg kejeda. Sedih mellownya wkwk ADD: FINALLY. the next chapter here. ch.8. it's fin. it's happy ending lol. setalah menunggu cukup lama n really curious for the hurt comfot, finally it's here. n it's a happy ending

Katappashi Kara Zenbu Koi

Complete | kakine | 2000 released

i like the third couple? the one that superior and his subordinate. the seme is a tsundere and the older one. i think it is just a ch 6 and 6.6 the main couple, it;s okay. it's good too

Golden Opportunity

Ongoing | Saendeu,CHU | 2023 released

seems interesting, the story. but not the characters. they are not my type.. the uke has done it with other people too. pdahal sdikit menarikku karna he calls the seme hyung" where it so rare for me to find manhwa where the uke call the seme "hyung" while he is so manly. yah even though the characters is not my type too sih, but at least he is manly and calls the seme "hyung".jarang2 aja gitu nemu. tp sadar jg kalo cerita macam gini tuh rentan dg toxix relationship and lot of *** with someone else.

Ake Nure Goyou ni Furu Yuki wa

Complete | Hori | 2008 released

ch 4 and 5 are differernt story. i like the ch. 4. the main story it's quite good

Datte Ai ja Nai!?

Complete | ebihara yuri | 2005 released

I read the main story ch 1-5 and 7.5. It's good. uke's first, but he just too idiot to accept any offer without knowing the results. He always gonna get raped if the seme doesn't save him. i read another story ch.7 i don't read ch.6 because the uke is older. not into the appearance too


Complete | NISHIDA Higashi | 2010 released

unfortunately, the uke got raped by some people. and he said that it's not his first, i mean s*x. i'm hurt. so, not really my type. but the uke is cute. his behaviour. he likes the seme first. and the seme is straight for the story, it's quite good myb kkk

Kobi No Kyoujin

Complete | ike reibun | 2013 released

Wkwk honestly, udah berkali2 manga ini lewat dan aku mikirnya older uke. jadi kuputuskan tidak baca. dan jugaa dulu lagi pernah karena penasaran pingin tau. aku liat chapter akhirnya. i see the seme is older tp dialog or conversationnya mereka nunjukkin seolah the uke has been sleep with someone else. soalnya scenenya si semenya jealous bgt gitu. but gk kayak gitu lol jan . i skip this story soo many times with many reasons, but now i read it already and i give it 5 stars. the uke. i like him. he loves the seme so much. jadi pas ama si seme dia bertingkah cute, tp diluar itu dia dingin ke org2. jd suka deh wkwk. tsunderenya kebalikannya.. biasanya kalo tsundere tuh ke semenya dingin gitu. ini gk, dia malah cute, gelendotan gitu, and always says love if there is a chance. i think the seme is his first too. cuz the uke taken by the seme when he was 17 and no track of relationship at all ada scene yg rada buat aku gk nyaman, yaitu pas si uke rada mendominasi dg polosnya nurut perintah dari org utk nyari spot2 sensitive and teasing cum gitu lah. jd si seme di fingering jg. y walau innocent tingkahnya pas liat catatan tp ttp aja mah scene yg rada gk aku suka. but, i know and realize that kind of relationship pasti ada timbal baliknya wkwk. dah dah

Sanzensekai no Karasu o Koroshi

Complete | MATSUZAKI Tsukasa | 2000 released

not my type sih. cuma baca2 aja. tp gk selesai

Bi no Isu

Complete | IKE Reibun | 2000 released

i don't read ch. 5. not my type