Beware of the Full Moon In March
it's interesting story. i like beefy uke. but, unfortunately, the uke is 1 yr older than the seme and btw, i don't like the seme's act towards the uke. but, it's ok because that make the story interesting. lol i think i will continue to read this, as long as the seme not call the uke "hyung". i will stop automatically if that's happen. bye Edited: Hmm when I read CHP.35, I think , even though the s called mokhwa "Hyung", i will try continue to read it because the story is so interesting berdesir ai bacanya. walaupun si seme nyebelin awalnya tp dia cinta. cumaa dia pikirnya mokhwa dah gk suka ama dia n mokhwa like that sunbae. jd gitu deh, ikut nyesek wkwk
One step from hell
Love it. Love the characters too. No explicit content too much. Like It pokoknya. The seme is so hot. Luv it. My type. The uke, even tough he is smaller and short but he's brave. Not menye2 wkwk
Breaking Through the Clouds 2: Swallow the Sea
Love in Orbit
interesting. i like manly uke too. but the skins color isn't my type. i prefer tan seme
Nanohana Boys
til ch. 63 it's good story, really. even though this is not bl but i enjoy it when i read this. so it's okay the blonde guy is older 1 year
Love Me Doctor!
The uke is not my type. The skin. Bu he is younger. And I still enjoy read it. Buuuuut I don't like the seme. In detail, i don't like his daily life. I don't like the way he do it with anyone else often. Even when he has interest on the uke. While the uke is still so pure.. I don't like it pokoknya. Kelakuan si s . Dia baik sih ke u nya. TP kesehariannya itu loo yg suka main itu looo yg GK Kusuka. Hhh
Kiss the Bride
I like the story actually, but i don't like second lead wkwk. No too problem because he looks like the seme. Alias handsome jg. N ofc jangan sampai ada apa2nya. Ya even though the second lead and the uke kissed too . Rada GK terima sih, but that's the story. Asal no more than kiss , enough.
Down and Dirty