Semantic Error
Waw. It turns out that the uke is younger. Just like my type At first, i always thinking about the characters. The appearances just fits with my type. But, why not the age. Cuz for this long time i think the sunbae is sangwoo. So that i decided not to read it kkk But yeah, fortunately older seme lol. So i like it add: i watched the k-series too kkk. interesting
Unscented Trajectory
ch.75 Good story it's good not really good in the early chapter because of the seme is just too cruel. but yeah he has his reason, but i still don't like how he treat the uke. but later he is the one who hurt the most. sama2 terluka sih. tp bedanya kalo si uke dia jd tambah kuat saat beranjak dewasa cuma kehilangan keceriaannya dia, senyumnya dia. kalo si alpha nya dia terlalu terlarut2 sama kematian partnernya alias si uke/omega yg sebenarnya masih hidup. ya tp si alpha taunya dia mati jd y terus aja tenggelam dg penderitaan itu dan sementara itu dia jd sosok yg kejam dan sangat menolak omega. y karna menurutnya hanya satu omega sj di hidupnya, that is soohyun, his omega. cuma ya karna pikirnya matenya mati, jd dia jg bertingkah laku kejam ama soohyun cuz he don't know and soohyun doesn't have smell anymore. he was hurt. oh ya si alpha jg punya mental illness sejak kecil like his father because they lost their partner jd insane deh. sejak kecil dah sakit si alpha ni jadinya.
Omega Complex
Read till ch.12 I give 3 stars for now. myb i will add it someday if the story keep going well
The Man Who Can't Taste
So saad, I stoped at ch.6. because there is bad scene for me. I mean i like the character, but, it turns out that the uke doing it with someone else. I don't like that actually. not my type My type is always 'the first'/'first time' I know that I should not be picky? but, i don't like the uke's experiences with someone else. That's it. My heart hurt huhu. bye so, i think i will not continue. pdhal i like the story, i like the character. but, i don't like third wheel. Biar org bilang i org kolot yg maunya cuma the first. but, yeah the truth i don't like betrayal. The story not about betrayal sih. tp i don't like any relationship beside the MC. bye
A Barbershop Quartet
Till ch.27 It's good. I like it. moreover, the first couple
Love for Sale
Ch.26 I've read till ch.91 at other site. i like this one because the seme is much older than the uke. and also, the uke is bigger and manly than seme. even though the skin color of the uke is not my type, i still like him. he is cute. manly but cute and innocent but sometimes the uke can be mature in his personality,
The Pizza Delivery Man and The Gold Palace