Yonin no Nibiiro
It is interesting , btw. I like AI so much, How unfortunate his life to dragged ti yakuza life because of his mother. btw I will review this manga using my bahasa for proper explanation. sebelum itu, let me say, that I like older seme. yes, it is older s. but unfortunately they are brother by mother's blood. and the seme is asshole. he use someone else that look alike his mother utk mjd his bitch. just crazy this s. btw si older bro ini namanya makoto. i don't like makoto. but i know the feeling of someone who has mental health. tp at least try to rehab bro. bukannya malah melampiaskannya ke your young bro and even to someone else. this someone else, namanya Bety, he is makoto's slave. and btw this uke is a seme for a kid named Yu, lol. what kind of dynamic btw, since the beginning I already though that makoto will got his karma karna tingkahnya yg kayak gini, y bener aja , the father said that "This world is leads by Karma" and Makoto will got it. dan bener jg, Makoto got ambushed and raped by their enemies. kasihan? jelas. tp sekali lg that is his karma. he raped Ai when they are still young and then took Bety and make him his bitch. so, that his karma. bahkan setelah kejadian itu dia masih aja nyari Bety and terobsesi dg nya cuma gara2 dia mirip ibunya. that was crazy bruh. aku paling kasihan sama AI sih. betah banget ama Makoto yg sakit kaya gitu. dan masih nerima aja perlakuan Makoto ke dia, dan nurut aja. Untung he just do that with his bro. kuat banget AI, udah hidupnya tbtb masuk ke dalam yakuza , dan harus menghadapi org2 aneh di sekitaranya. and the last ch, Makoto got shot because he try to save Bety from a sinper, it is their enemy. walau rada jealous aku, tp I know, once again that this is his karma karena menyakiti Bety and everyone. fortunately , in the end, he realized that he only need Ai, and the ending chp for them is touched me , bruh. the little makoto and ai is so cute. I need more story of this 2 btw.
Saiteina otoko no ude no naka
Finish extra 6.5 Older seme.ok Black haired uke. ok even thought the u is g, but he is virgin and that is his first time with the s btw i don't like this type of u sih. I prefer manly. and not that cry baby or yg menye2 or feminime. but it's okay lah. I have read it jg kok. ysudah
Cute. i like it. the u is straight virgin and got raped by the s when they met at the fiirst time. however, the s interested in th eu and it seems that the s feel first,; but and then I think the u fell harder wkwkw it's a cute story. even though the s is yakuza but he is kind. even though he raped the u before but he try to respect him too after that. the u is manly. i like that. not menye2 or feminime vibe. even though he also like a cry baby because of his trauma . but it is okay. i like him i like this. not too much drama of the yakuza side. because the main story of this manga is more like their past stories and their love story
Motto Amaete! Tachibana-san
the status is still on going , so I marked this story is "now reading" btw i finished ch 5.5 i don't know who is older or younger for both couples. but I still read it the first couple sama2 respect each other and called the name with -san. and I think at a moment that the u is older. but i don't know too for the second couple , the s is american and he looks so mature, but the u is 30 y.o.. so , i don't know too which one is older and younger. so yeah cuma read doang. and i don't even know how I can give the story the stars. since it is not really my type because i don't know their age. but the u is manly and it it their first times. so myb I'll give it 3.5 - 4 stars
this character in this DJ is Dio and Jonathan From the character itself, I think Dio is older than Jonathan. and from the original character, Jonathan is Joseph's grandfather. While I think Jojo is Joseph, it turns out that Jojo can be someone else from their family lol soalnya aku udah kadung suka , or nge ship Jojo yang Joseph with Caesar , Y mirip Dio gitu tampilannya. jd pas aku fikir Jojo dipasangkan ama Dio kok gimana gitu. ternyata Jojonya beda wkwk karena status nya on going, jd aku marked "now reading"
I want more bruh. their story together I actualy do not like the fact that the s is the killer , even though he was send by the u's father's opponent. ttp aja yg bunuh is the s bukan musuhnya the u's father langsung but y udah lah. that is his work Edit: Hmm ada continuation dr ini manhwa. Versi baru. Dan sayangnya aku lebih prefer versi lama. Yg baru vulgarnya lebih ditonjolkan. Yujun yg doing bj while in the mission. N Si s yg nge rape korbannya pas pertama kali ketemu Yujun Kalo yg versi lama kan pas pertama ketemu, si S , Jaeha LG nyiksa korbannya, bukannya doing something.. Jd entah sih bakal SEsuka sama versi dulu atau GK. Seperti yg anda tahu, saya TDK suka kalo one of them doing something with someone else. Since I sangat menjunjung yg namanya loyal. Hhhh Edit: From 5 to 3 Sorry I reduce the stars , because in this new version , the u has experience with someone else before with the s. In ch. 5, it is showed. Unfortunately. This is not my type. Pdhal di version yg oneshot or short one, I think the u is still pure. The s knows him when he was a little. So I think , It will so much better if the first and only of the u is the s. Yu know? Tau dah. Bye Even though the other guy is a handsome and kinda my type. But still . I don't like there is someone else besides the main couple. That is
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