Star Na Koi
Ch 1-6 and 8.1 It's good. I will give it 4.5 stars kkk. Minusnya is the seme attitude in early chapter. He is has suicidal thoughts. I don't like it. And he rapes the u too. Both of them is still virgin. Actually, the s loves the u very much. While the u is a straight. But he loves the s back in the end. Ch 6-7 Older s. A doctor. But I don't really like it, cuz the u is a lewd person. He had experiences already. The s glow up. He was a nerd before. Ch 8 It's switch. The first top is older. The other is bigger than him. But later, the first top become a bottom. Don't like it too
Star Ni Ai
The sequel of Rihito n Michiru 's story. It turns out that u has first love towards a guy too But he is still v, ok. Before he meets his s. So Don't worry lol i just read the story of main lead. vol 1 ch 1 - 2 , 7
Biting a Vampire
I read ch 1-4 and 5.5 I luv the u. He is talkative. He is manly. He is cute. He is bigger than the s. He is taller than the s. He kind of idiot but kind of innocent too. He is a virgin. The s is a vampire. N he has hundreds ages I think. But still stay at school. So for me it's older s. For the ch 5. I don't read it. Not my type
Ikujinashi no Shiawase
I just read 3 chapters 2. Love slave 3. Love revenge - the continuation of no.2 5. Kodomo no himitsu All of them is older seme. But I don't really like them. The seme are really possessive but they don't realize their feelings. All of the uke loves the s first. The u in 'love slave' got raped by the s. I don't like his attitude towards the u. He thinks that the u do that with someone else, but the u never do that. He is a virgin. On the contrary, he is the one who likes to play with women and even has children. God damn it.
I like the characters. However, we don't know how old they are. I hope they are in the same age. Or even , older s. It will be so much better From ch 7. It said that yujin never do it with real cock before. So, I think he use a toy to play with his backdoor lol Add after ch.11: The hell! There is a third wheel. Why yujin is so calm . He is really player. But yeah. He is still has no feeling towards Aaron . So that he still wants to play. But. No please. As a bottom, the problem is. he used to play as a top. But no for a b. Actually I am a bit traumatized by this kind of story. I mean , there is this one manhwa yg awalnya ya only with the s , even though the u has experience with a man. But in the end malah threesome with a new character. Jangan mentang2 semua ganteng. Semua my type s. Tp y GK harus semua dptin u. Gito Lo. Please ,. I don't want that happen to this manhwa too Ch.37 Finish season 1. Hmm Yujin's father appearances kinda hot lol wkwk. Btw i think he was the reason of Yujin trauma. But I don't even know what kind of trauma Yujin had.
Ch 1. : I like it. 5 stars for me. manly uke. taller uke. younger uke too. the seme is 20 y.o the same as the uke's older brother. the s repeat the high school. btw , uke's appearance like that is because his older bro that want his younger bro looks scary I think . lol. it's okay. he is still cute even thoug the appearance is like that
Kyou, Orenchi Yotteku?
Hmm there is. Extra chap. N the s bottoming . Hmm switch in the end. I don't like it. But in that kind of world, switch is something usual. Bye. I don't like the last chp.
Kim and Lee
Rada nyebelin si s. Seenaknya aja kalo bertingkah. GK mikirin perasaan u . Tp u nya jg manut2 aja. Tau ah Nyebelin sebenarnya ceritanya walau cute menurut sebagian org. But at least consent oi
Shiro to Tsubaki