Down and Dirty
Interesting story sebenernya. Tp kasian si uke jg sih.. JD korban. Si semenya jg GK ada otak pas di awal cerita. Walaupun dia first nya buat si uke. Tp PD akhirnya mereka terpisahkan oleh keadaan sehingga buat si u nya JD man whore. Haduh kasihan sih. Pdahl si u cuma pingin cinta dr si s. Aku pikir ini bkal hurt/comfort biasa gitu, GK sampai JD korban gitu gitu . Tp ttp aja aku tau bakal gitu gitu s dikhianati hingga si u harus JD kayak gitu. Dlm waktu sekejap mereka brsama. Tp 2 th pisah. Janji 2 THN GK akan hs sama siapa2 . Si s tepatin itu. Tp si u ? GK. Krna dia emang dituntut sama keadaan buat melayani org2. Y utk bertahan hdp jg. Wong si s nya menghilang kan. Tp menyakitkan jg rasanya . Y walaupun si s tuh jg bastard bgt. Tp buat si u JD begitu bukan yg sy suka. Y walau sbenernya ini sih 50-50 y . Sama2 punya pengalaman lah bilangnya. Kenapa si s boleh gitu sedangkan si u GK? Y kan. Tp itu pendapat org. Not mine. Aku lebih suka mereka tuh hanya buat masing2 aja. Bukan org lain. Utk stiap pasang sih tentunya. If he's the first for u, y make him the last lah. Entah aku bkal lanjut atau GK. Sakit bacanya. Tp interesting. Tp not my cup of tea. Tp curious jg gimana mereka ngelewatin ini challenge. TK tau dah. Lol
Boku No Ai O Shire!
I Like the ch.1-3 and ch.5. ch.6 is a little extra
Unmei no Tsugai ga Omae da Nante
it's interesting. like both characters appearance but, idk if the omega has done it before or not. it's not clear. so yeah i give it just 3 stars. but, it means like. so yeah. whtever statusnya completed, jd aku tandai sudah kok ada chapter baru? vol.2 ch.2. belum baca kalo gitu takutnya tuh aku dah lupa ceritanya . jd yodah deh tak baca kpan2 wkwk Add: Hi. It is 2025 wkwk. I am back and read this again. I think I will add the stars to 4 I think the u never do it with a guy. He do it for the first time with alpha . With the s. He likes girls but unfortunately he is an omega. Yeah. Like that. Then he met Kotani n do that because the heat n then he's more aware with the alpha. Btw i like the u's appearance. He is manly and has the same height with the s
Nande Neteru Ore no Chinko Nametano
cute. the uke is active too
Kawaii Inu ha Yoku Nureru
Ch.2 the uke is cute kkk both of them is a virgin btw
Crossdresser Therapy- Make Me a Shameless Bottom