Imitation Mate
I think i really like this one kkk
Our House Love Trouble
There are 3 couples. i like them all. myb. but the most i like is still the main couple btw i don't like the seme who playing around. while the uke is so innocent even though he is a manly boy. i hate that kind of seme actually. ya walaupun i know he doesn't realized that he likes the uke. but ttp aja gitu tipe org yg suka main dg banyak org sebelum ketemu ama jodohnya atau bahkan udah ketemu jodohnya tuh aku gk suka bgt. i hate that so unfortunately. pdhal the seme is hot and handsome and kind. all the seme is older. Main couple: both manly. love it. the uke is soo cute and so innocent. the seme is so hot and handsome, but ya sudah tak jelaskan di atas, gk suka kelakuannya di awal. yg suka fcking arounf. Second couple: the seme likes small things. the uke is small boy. jd gitu lah . not really my type of appearance. for the size and hair color kkk, but it's okay. third couple: older seme too. the owner of the house. he is crossdresser but handsome and manly, typical seme lah. the uke is a univ student. still young and have spirit. he is malny too but not as big as the first uke. cuz the first uke he is so big. i mean , even his tall is 195 cm. more than average for an uke lol. so this third uke is manly too in my opinion. i like him too and all of that is the first experience of the uke.
Yamashii Koi no Hajimekata
older the black haired man. 3 years appart
Read till ch.36 i skipped the chapters afterward. and then i read the end chapter and the side stories. finish wkwk
BJ alex
actually, i forget dah baca sampai mana. tp kayaknya seingatku interesting sih. mungkin kalau ada waktu i will read it again seingatku older seme jg
Sweet Trap