Melt at Night
Just read ch.1 Idk i will continue it or not. Cuz i don't too like older uke. moreover in this story he is 5 years older. Hhh
Mandayuu to Ore
Till ch.7 Wht the hell! Sht Why must cheated? The uke was cheated with someone else. The first is by forced. But i think the second time is not. Eventhough the uke was in fever n sick. Shit. I just like the seme. Point. It's hurt you know when seeing something u hate . Seeing someone cheated behind their lover. It's very painfull.
Unintentional Love Story
Mirip jooan ama zeha plis huhu add: i luv it. i watched the k-drama too I don't remember sampe mana i read it. but, i will try re-read it
A Confession of his Own Guilty
all of the chapter is older seme. But, i like the last chap. CH. 1: Teacher x student. the uke has been molested by the seme at the past. but, not sampai intinya. and then, when the uke grow up he become someone who do se*x with his friends. huhu sayang, dia melakukan itu dg org lain. walau si s sempat melecehkan waktu si u masih kecil. tp mereka gk sampai melakukan itu. si u melawan waktu itu hingga meninggalkan luka di tangan si s. n myb because that moment, the u become trauma tp melawannya dg malah melakukan itu. haduuuh. sampe dipikir sama si s kalo si u baik2 saja sampe ngelakuin itu dg suka rela. at least ya kalo kamu trauma dg masalalu tuh ya dijaga tubuhmy, bukan malah dijajajkan, gobvlok. org yg menyebabkan traumamu aja merasas bersalah sampe mau bundir (si s nya), si u nya malah seneng2 aja. walau mungkin hatinya gk seneng, tp kan tubuhnya bersenang2. au ah ch.2: the seme is the uke's brother's friend. the uke has do it with his brother before too. this is not my cup of tea. ch.3: i like this one. even though i don't know it is the uke's first or not. but, i like the story about father in law and son in law. for this one i will give 4-5 stars.
Love Me Thru the Night
I read ch 1-5 I like it. Straight u. The u is cute too. I think their age is the same but there is one page that shows the s' age is 24 and the u's age is 25. But they are in the same school and grade. They are the same age for me
Hitotsu no Koi no Hajimari