it's interesting. like both characters appearance
but, idk if the omega has done it before or not. it's not clear. so yeah i give it just 3 stars. but, it means like. so yeah. whtever
statusnya completed, jd aku tandai sudah kok ada chapter baru? vol.2 ch.2. belum baca kalo gitu
takutnya tuh aku dah lupa ceritanya . jd yodah deh tak baca kpan2 wkwk
Hi. It is 2025 wkwk. I am back and read this again. I think I will add the stars to 4
I think the u never do it with a guy. He do it for the first time with alpha . With the s.
He likes girls but unfortunately he is an omega. Yeah. Like that.
Then he met Kotani n do that because the heat n then he's more aware with the alpha.
Btw i like the u's appearance. He is manly and has the same height with the s
Unmei no Tsugai ga Omae da Nante