Omega no Kakushigoto wa, Hotel no Naka de
The uke is not my type sih. Not manly. But it's okay. I still read it. Healthy relationship story
The Honest Life of a Game Studio
Otw ch.6 Good. Interesting. Cold seme in the beginning. Unrequited love in uke's side. But not anymore. Both are still virgins
Senpai, Danjite Koidewa!
Finish ch.5 I like kaneda so much He is cute kkkk
Koko wa YES to Ittekure
The story is good The seme bucin even though he is straight before. But he like the uke's cuteness Btw, the u has experience already, just once sih, with his first love? Whatever It's ok lah. I still finish it
Kiraide Isasete Asanaga-sensei to Yanagi-sensei
it's a good story, btw. I cried a lot. as always.. family matter the seme is childish and loves the u so much. he is a persistent. he is older btw. the uke's young bro the one who said it. the u is manlier . and i like it.
Kim and Lee
Rada nyebelin si s. Seenaknya aja kalo bertingkah. GK mikirin perasaan u . Tp u nya jg manut2 aja. Tau ah Nyebelin sebenarnya ceritanya walau cute menurut sebagian org. But at least consent oi
Aiharakunto Kashimakunha Rabukome Kamoshirenai
Salaryman Scum Gets What’s Cumming to Him
Fill Me With Love 'Til I Can't Live Without It
When the u is manly and cute. But he has experiences already. Huft. Why can't I find my type???
Two Hot Bachelors