Moan, Officer - An Omega Policeman is a Yakuza's Destined Partner
hmm in the ch 3 ada yg bilang "you are younger" kyaknya sih si yakuza yg bilang. the s. kalo beneran si ya poin plus sih. soalnya nymbungin kata2 sebelumnya si s bilang kalo si u sok bersifat mature tp aslinya masih lebih muda tp acting high n bla bla bla gitu, myb ya. kalo bener si u is younger so yeah,i will continue to read this one after read ch 4 i don't really like the s yet, since it seems tht he is still not serious yet. but he respects the ,tht poin plus tookkk Edit after finish ch.7 The hell??!! The u is the older one. Cih. I think the s. Au dah. Finish
Saiteina otoko no ude no naka
Finish extra 6.5 Older seme.ok Black haired uke. ok even thought the u is g, but he is virgin and that is his first time with the s btw i don't like this type of u sih. I prefer manly. and not that cry baby or yg menye2 or feminime. but it's okay lah. I have read it jg kok. ysudah
Cute. i like it. the u is straight virgin and got raped by the s when they met at the fiirst time. however, the s interested in th eu and it seems that the s feel first,; but and then I think the u fell harder wkwkw it's a cute story. even though the s is yakuza but he is kind. even though he raped the u before but he try to respect him too after that. the u is manly. i like that. not menye2 or feminime vibe. even though he also like a cry baby because of his trauma . but it is okay. i like him i like this. not too much drama of the yakuza side. because the main story of this manga is more like their past stories and their love story
Hysteric na Kurokami Megane-kun wa Igai to Kawaii
myb older s. because it is from the list of older s I already read. The appearance i like it. The u is straight before The s has lots experiences unfortunately
Motto Amaete! Tachibana-san
the status is still on going , so I marked this story is "now reading" btw i finished ch 5.5 i don't know who is older or younger for both couples. but I still read it the first couple sama2 respect each other and called the name with -san. and I think at a moment that the u is older. but i don't know too for the second couple , the s is american and he looks so mature, but the u is 30 y.o.. so , i don't know too which one is older and younger. so yeah cuma read doang. and i don't even know how I can give the story the stars. since it is not really my type because i don't know their age. but the u is manly and it it their first times. so myb I'll give it 3.5 - 4 stars
Yonin no Nibiiro