JSeagullVK's manga / #Threesome(12)

The Library

Complete | EonA | 2000 released
2021-05-02 16:10 marked

Bero Bero Yuru Yuru Tanoshii Sex

Complete | ECHO Jiro | 2000 released
2021-05-02 16:21 marked

Koitomo Triangle

Complete | ikuyasu | 2016 released
2021-06-13 23:41 marked

Mukizu ja Irarenee

Complete | sadahiro mika | 2006 released

Really. I don't think that it will turn out to be like this. Hhhh Is it like toxic rel.? 3some .Idk if it will also be switch ck lil bit regret to read this cuz i'm not the type who like switch n three.s like that. But i still respect the creator. N i think it's k bout this manga. the couple n the ending. Evntgh i rlly dnt like it. I mean the switch part n betrayal. Sorry

Naruto dj - Double Game!

Complete | Chikadoh,Halco | 2000 released

Fuck Buddy

Complete | Hinako | 2018 released

ch.7.6 same as the tag, it's painful really. tsundere uke pisan hadeeh. it's so hurtful when the uke decided to make love with other people just because the seme said he got a girlfriend. why don't the uke cari dulu the truth? hoi. malah langsung keciwi n main aja. kamvrt emang. disappointed emang bgt sih wkwk pdhal aslinya si seme simple minded bgt, cuma pingin lovey dovey aja gitu, sdikit challenge biar si uke mau mengakui. tp y udah dah.dahh tjd jg. the story is good. sama2 player sih. no prop. i like it

A Confession of his Own Guilty

Ongoing | Kano Shiuko | 1998 released

all of the chapter is older seme. But, i like the last chap. CH. 1: Teacher x student. the uke has been molested by the seme at the past. but, not sampai intinya. and then, when the uke grow up he become someone who do se*x with his friends. huhu sayang, dia melakukan itu dg org lain. walau si s sempat melecehkan waktu si u masih kecil. tp mereka gk sampai melakukan itu. si u melawan waktu itu hingga meninggalkan luka di tangan si s. n myb because that moment, the u become trauma tp melawannya dg malah melakukan itu. haduuuh. sampe dipikir sama si s kalo si u baik2 saja sampe ngelakuin itu dg suka rela. at least ya kalo kamu trauma dg masalalu tuh ya dijaga tubuhmy, bukan malah dijajajkan, gobvlok. org yg menyebabkan traumamu aja merasas bersalah sampe mau bundir (si s nya), si u nya malah seneng2 aja. walau mungkin hatinya gk seneng, tp kan tubuhnya bersenang2. au ah ch.2: the seme is the uke's brother's friend. the uke has do it with his brother before too. this is not my cup of tea. ch.3: i like this one. even though i don't know it is the uke's first or not. but, i like the story about father in law and son in law. for this one i will give 4-5 stars.

Free! Dj - Futari No Makoto

Complete | sneeeze (kubu) | 2015 released

Gerard to Jacques

Complete | Yoshinaga Fumi | 2000 released

wow, i can't give comments lol. too speechless i think. i will use bahasa here. aku terlalu nyaman dlm zona bacaanku yg lebih ke romance minim drama. tp kali ini bener2 beda. di sisi semenya kali ini. the uke, jacques, he is a 16 y boy when he met the seme for the first time. the seme is his first too, the only one bahkan sampe ending. cuma yg menjungkir balikkan aku saat baca ini adl kehidupannya si seme yg -bisa dibilang- mawut. in his recent life, dia suka gonta ganti partner buat ons gitu lah, entah cwe entah cwo, suka ke brothel jg. honestly, i don't like this type of man, yg suka jajan. but, semua ada reasonnya, why he became like that. in the past dia itu setia, dia begitu mencintai cwe noble yg buruk sifatnya, cwe yg suka ganti2 pasangan, punya banyak cwo bahkan masih berhubungan dg cwonya yg lain ketika she was married with the seme. bahkan mereka pernah threesome dimana di sini the seme become a bottom. wow tak terduga bukan. bahkan in the story, recent story lah, si seme got rapped by the same man, selingkuhannya si istrinya dulu itu yg pernah threesome itu. hiih bener2 cerita di luar zona nyamanku. pokok karena masa lalu itu lah si seme jd gitu. untungnya in this story emang si ukenya gk knp2, walaupun awal2 dia dijual di brother, but his man ya only the seme. gregetnya lagi, mereka baru ngelakuin lagi pas si uke dah umur 25 i think, dah berapa tahun itu pdhal mereka always together. jacques jg harus rela ngeliat si seme berhubungan dg org lain. ya walau emang belum tau perasaannya sih waktu itu, makanya dia mencoba terbiasa dg kehidupan si seme. it's good. but i don't think that i will re-read it. menguji mental dan hatiku yg soft ini wkwk

Durarara!! dj - Wasou Shizuo ni Bukkake!

Complete | Ichitaka | 2000 released
2024-08-22 21:44 marked