I want more bruh. their story together
I actualy do not like the fact that the s is the killer , even though he was send by the u's father's opponent. ttp aja yg bunuh is the s bukan musuhnya the u's father langsung
but y udah lah. that is his work
Hmm ada continuation dr ini manhwa. Versi baru. Dan sayangnya aku lebih prefer versi lama. Yg baru vulgarnya lebih ditonjolkan. Yujun yg doing bj while in the mission. N Si s yg nge rape korbannya pas pertama kali ketemu Yujun
Kalo yg versi lama kan pas pertama ketemu, si S , Jaeha LG nyiksa korbannya, bukannya doing something..
Jd entah sih bakal SEsuka sama versi dulu atau GK.
Seperti yg anda tahu, saya TDK suka kalo one of them doing something with someone else. Since I sangat menjunjung yg namanya loyal. Hhhh
From 5 to 3
Sorry I reduce the stars , because in this new version , the u has experience with someone else before with the s. In ch. 5, it is showed.
Unfortunately. This is not my type. Pdhal di version yg oneshot or short one, I think the u is still pure. The s knows him when he was a little. So I think , It will so much better if the first and only of the u is the s. Yu know? Tau dah. Bye
Even though the other guy is a handsome and kinda my type. But still . I don't like there is someone else besides the main couple. That is