Wolf In Sheeps Clothing
ch.12 ini yg statusnya masih on going.
Kobi No Kyoujin
Wkwk honestly, udah berkali2 manga ini lewat dan aku mikirnya older uke. jadi kuputuskan tidak baca. dan jugaa dulu lagi pernah karena penasaran pingin tau. aku liat chapter akhirnya. i see the seme is older tp dialog or conversationnya mereka nunjukkin seolah the uke has been sleep with someone else. soalnya scenenya si semenya jealous bgt gitu. but gk kayak gitu lol jan . i skip this story soo many times with many reasons, but now i read it already and i give it 5 stars. the uke. i like him. he loves the seme so much. jadi pas ama si seme dia bertingkah cute, tp diluar itu dia dingin ke org2. jd suka deh wkwk. tsunderenya kebalikannya.. biasanya kalo tsundere tuh ke semenya dingin gitu. ini gk, dia malah cute, gelendotan gitu, and always says love if there is a chance. i think the seme is his first too. cuz the uke taken by the seme when he was 17 and no track of relationship at all ada scene yg rada buat aku gk nyaman, yaitu pas si uke rada mendominasi dg polosnya nurut perintah dari org utk nyari spot2 sensitive and teasing cum gitu lah. jd si seme di fingering jg. y walau innocent tingkahnya pas liat catatan tp ttp aja mah scene yg rada gk aku suka. but, i know and realize that kind of relationship pasti ada timbal baliknya wkwk. dah dah
Boku Dake No Kimi, Kimi Dake No Boku
black-haired seme. not too my type. but it's okay. calm person. the uke is bigger than the seme and more fierce, manly too. i like it, even though his hair is blond. and also his first time in receiving or as a bottom.
Bi no Isu
i don't read ch. 5. not my type
Seonbae USB Swapping Plan!
chp4 end. but the status still on going, so ya gk aku kasih status selesai reading kkk. it's sooo good. actually my type. coba saja di remake lebih bagus. lebih tertata. poin plus2 dah. the uke is manly but he is so small beside the seme. the uke is cuuutee too. i like him. he is a crybaby. he likes his sunbae so much. and ofc it's uke's first. so that i like this manhwa as long as the uke is never bottomed before.
Shitteru Yo.
main couple in the picture: cute uke i think. he is short, so small than the seme, the black haired one. not my type sih kkk second couple: uke's older brother with an underclassman. the underclassman is the seme. so not my type cuz it's older uke. even though the appearances i like
Hyakujitsu no Bara
ch.25 is it really completed? kayak belum woi uke's feeling kurang nonjol. i mean, i know myb he loves the seme too. but he act like a master. semenya juga terlalu memuja2, pdhal dia jg berkorban banyak. kurang aja menurutku. need more. yg dimana ceritanya ukenya tuh yg clingy and lebih menunjukkan perasaannya ke seme. i know myb the seme bertingkah diluar batas kadang, like raped the uke, but it because the uke just feels so cold, gimana lg caranya biar dia nerima kalo gk dipaksa? gitu deh menurutku. terus jg the uke always terlihat ketakutan jd buat semenya ragu, tp gimana lg. terus pas the seme decide not to touch the uke anymore, the uke malah kayak gk mau, sdangkan pas disentuh malah kayak nolak jg, kan jd bingung ai. kurang nunjukkin aja gitu perasaannya. mentang2 org penting, org tinggi, suci, ntah apalah itu
Yaizu Brothers
not really incest sih. brothers but not related by blood. this story is not my cup of tea. the story is a lit bit/too complicated for me. drama. and y know , like, it has toxic relationship. so i don't like it. there are 2 couple. first couple: older seme 30 y.o. in this story he is the older brother. but he is not the real brother of the uke. i don't like him. he is a player. he do it with a lot of people since he was young. he even do it with uke's real older brother brother. the uke is 16 y.o. he is innocent but a brat. second couple: uke's real older brother with a young man. so, it's older uke. actually uke's (uke in main couple) real older brother is a clumsy person and funny person, but still, he likes sex. so, he do it with anyone who wants. he like big boobs too. he is uke btw. the seme is younger 15 years appart. so, in conclusion, this not for me kkk i don't like it, but still read it till the end. lol. weird me
Karera o Meguru Subete