Hit on By a Kinky Guy
Ch.96 Myb the seme menyebalkan bgt at the first. But, it's okay lah now. he likes the uke now Cuz i like the uke lol he is energetic, aggressive, n cute too, n also has manly body than the seme. eventough he has small body or shorter than the seme, while the seme is higher. but his body is skinny n no abs like the uke has. But then, the seme decided to working out n he has abs, but still not too strong?or built? than the uke I like himm much kkk i think. The uke i mean. Oh n i think the seme is kind, calm, beside his crazy pervert thing n mind kkk Moreover, after he thinks he knows his feeling towards the uke. His behavior become soft yeah like that lah ya wkwk I think i wanna give this manga 5 stars. The story is good. Walau awalnya mnyebalkan The characters, i like that, the appearances The age? Idk. But the seme is older. Like it The experiences too. All of them, it's their first I hope it will end well
Mister Gravure
Ch.3 Good n simple story The uke is aggressive lol. Emang bcs he's straight before
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