both of the couple is not my type. really. not my type. the main couple, in the picture, i don't like the appearances. i don't like the way uke treated the seme pdhal he knows that the seme loves him so much. i think their first time is for each other. for the second couple i don't like the uke too. but different reason. he has done it with lots of men bro.. even in one time he does it with more than ten men together. i really really hate it. while the seme that has cruel behaviour is a virgin. because he loves the uke. cara penyampaiannya kurang tepat sih. sampe the uke ngetest dg hswith someone else. itu jg gk bener bgt. y si semenya jelasnya marah lah. tp yg keluar kalimat 'diisgusting'y bener sih dah kadung marah kan. lha si uke malah minggat hhabis itu. mikirnya si seme udah buang dia karena jarang dateng juga. lha gimana lg u dah begituan ama org lain. mbok y kalo memastikan suatu hubungan tuh dg cara yg wajar aja napa sih. jd kasian semenya. crita dibbalik ia berlaku spt itu ke uke jg bikin tambah kasian. poor u.
Bi no Isu
i don't read ch. 5. not my type
Uniform Praise
from the story preview, some of the stories seem interesting. so that.. plis update soon i like the first story .. want to give it 5 stars, but it's not finised yet I just read the ch 1-3. I'll give it 5 stars
Like a Sugar
till ch.2 i don't know if i will continue read this or not. cuz this is not my type. myb the uke is the black haired boy likemy type, but he is older. so nah i like the seme btw, he is a talkative person, i think. like a puppy
Yuru Fuwa Kouhai-kun wa, Tamani Gouin [Eng]
ch 1-4 and 7 is the main couple. honestly, i don't like small/too slender uke. like, too feminine, i don't like it. but this uke is quite cute and is a talkative / the active one in their relationship. the seme is not cold too. just act like an old man lol ch 5. older seme. bulky uke. the uke is my type cuz he is manly. but at the past he was a crossdresser and had slim body. but when he get a boyfriend that is the seme who chase the uke, the uke become more muscular. ch.7. friends, so same ages. actually i like this kind of uke. he's manly and the attitude is cold but still care. he loved the seme in high school but got rejected. 6 years later the met. the seme is the one who chase him now. but unfortunately the uke is someone who has experiences not uke's first now. just if when in high school the seme accepted him. he's gonna be the first myb. lol
Koi wa Kakuzatou 5-tsu de Dekite Iru
i just read the ch 1-4 i hope the seme's feelings is real. cuz u know, that the uke is just a substitute for the seme's last brother.
Odu-kun No Vita Sexualis
Read vol.1 ch.1 - 3.2 and vol.2 ch.0 (I want more of this story) Read vol. 1 Ch.6