Moan, Officer - An Omega Policeman is a Yakuza's Destined Partner
hmm in the ch 3 ada yg bilang "you are younger" kyaknya sih si yakuza yg bilang. the s. kalo beneran si ya poin plus sih. soalnya nymbungin kata2 sebelumnya si s bilang kalo si u sok bersifat mature tp aslinya masih lebih muda tp acting high n bla bla bla gitu, myb ya. kalo bener si u is younger so yeah,i will continue to read this one after read ch 4 i don't really like the s yet, since it seems tht he is still not serious yet. but he respects the ,tht poin plus tookkk Edit after finish ch.7 The hell??!! The u is the older one. Cih. I think the s. Au dah. Finish
Swallow You Whole
I will start with 3 stars Let see, can we add more stars or delete it instead Add: After read until ch.6 Hmm the s has 3 personality. In his body , there are 3 different entities. I like the personality of the s that like as old man. The one who wear glasses. Even though the other 2 is also the s. I still not sure . I still do not want to accept it. Accept that the u is shared with that 3 entities. Btw the version 2 , the cruel one, the one who is not wear glasses and has short hair of s is the one who make the first move. The first for the u. And I think this personality will be the main lead. It is because he appears most often for now. And fh the thumbnail shows the picture of him Then the 3rd version, a childish one but quite dangerous and creepy , he also already make the move. Just the version 1, or sir mugo, the old geezer, the long haired and a glasses-man seme that still not touched the u yet. Even though the body has lol Btw why I called him the ver .1 ? Because he was appeared first. When u still a child. And when this manhwa start Hhh... Idk. It is a new for me. So I need to adapt with this new story, theme and whatever.
Shamed, Thanks To You
Nidome ha Shoujiki
Hope it will never switch. The u is the black haired guy and I like it. He is manly and cute Unfortunately, there is chapter that I don't like too much. It is when they do the foursome ? Yeah. Even though the u act as a top but the s also topped someone else. So I don't like it. As I said everytime that I don't like sharing partners. Bye
Fill Me With Love 'Til I Can't Live Without It
When the u is manly and cute. But he has experiences already. Huft. Why can't I find my type???
Boss! It's Not a Massage Parlour
First time for the u But he is not my type. Unfortunately
Netsu Motsu Hari, Kouchin
Unfortunately, the u got rapped in the middle of stories. I like u's appearances. Manly but cute. His first is with the s . But yeah... He got rapped. I don't like it. No. It doesn't mean that I don't like the u. But I don't like this kind of stories. Btw the s is sex maniac. I don't like it too. Even though there is no scene with other people. But the ojisan said it. That the s is maniac. I don't like this type of person sih. Dah lah
If You Spoil Me That Much, I'm Gonna Cry