Dear Door
it's good walau mungkin banyak yg aku skip because too much text and story , tp it's good. ada kecewanya beberapa, kayak scene2 kyungjoon, the uke, with someone else. myb it's just imagination of the other side, tp ttp aja gitu loh n as i remember kyungjoon jg ditarget sama older brothernya cain, i don't remeber is he raped kyungjoon or not, but i don't like third weel. comedy jg sih storynya, jd ya quite interesting. complicated emang, lost of couple. bahkan ada yg top become bottom, but with someone else. ya even though it's like funny story, ttp aja not loyal. not my type. lots of lewd uke too, so i don't like it. just kyungjoon yg mending, he is manly as a human, but so small for cain as a demon. he is not lewd too, quite strict cuz he is a police officer. cainnya yg manja malah . tp y kyungjoon bisa lewd kalo sedang doing something with cain. lol
Hyung, you're my idol!
Ch.106 I like the both couple
Kiss me, Liar
Finish ch.48 Honestly, i really like this manhwa. Firstly, i have read comments, said that the omega will be raped by someone else and alpha just like trash. All of them just like a trash. From that i decided not to read this manhwa. But today, 17/08/21, i encourage myself to read this manhwa and it turn out that this story is not that bad. And i really like this story. Walau memang ada adegan rape. Tp fortunately tidak sampai tahap in nya wkwk. Just that thing of someone else yg di put kan di mouth nya si omega. N itu sbenernya untuk story aja. Buat si omega akhirnya punya trauma. Just fortunately, the omega still virgin ╥﹏╥ I really think about bad things before i read this one. Why people commented jelek2 soal this manhwa. Pdhal for me this is really good. Walau setiap ch. kadang i don't understand. Gk paham sumpah. Kok tiba2 ceritanya gini. I think, i melewatkan some ch. Tp ternyata tdk. Dan emang begitu alurnya. Just make me confuse. But after all. I will give this story 5 star. I think. Walau i have problem in here. That is the size differences. sebenernya bukan tipe aku banget untuk seme n uke have that kind of size differences. Tp it's okay lah. Cuz, the story, appearance, is my type. And one thing. Yaitu si alpha cannor marked the omega. Why? Why just the omega who can marked their alpha? Soalnya kebanyakan story yg i've read itu alphanya yg punya authority of marked. Begitu pula omega juga Tp kebanyakan sih alphanya. Jd omeganya hanya akan dia n alphanya y cuma si dia. Tp ini kenapa malah alpha yg gk bisa mark omega. N the omega can looking for another alpha? That's wht the other problem for me. Huft Aku gk secomplicated itu utk menilai a story. I like simple story n ofc faithfulness or loyalty. Kesetiaan. Tdk ganti2 pasangan. Moreover, the female lead/uke lead. Mksudnya in the term of s*x life nya lo ya. For another bf or gf it's okay i think. But i hope there is no other s*x with someone else. Just with partnernya aja gitu pinginku. Yk?
Legs That Won't Walk
Ch.41 Unfortunately, not uke's first ˙ i forget already about this story. it's a long time i never read anymore i think even thoug it's not uke's first. but, he do that with just 1 person. his senior i think. i really forgot. if i reread it it will take time too I don't think I will continue this story, cuz there is threesome in the "side" chapter . I don't know if there is that in other chapters Although I'm a little interested in one of the s characters. Even when I first met him, I thought why don't the main s just like his appearance? But the unfortunate thing is that he is younger than the u. So ya udah , no Moreover, I'm the loyal type... so I don't want anyone else. I really don't like it. If it's a love triangle, that's okay, but if it comes to sharing like that, big no
Still, I Like It
Ch.25 I read this because i want to know seo jinwoo. But this story is about omega minjae and alpha hyunwoo yg notabenenya younger bro nya jinwoo. Triangle love sih kalo dibilang. brothers itu semua suka omega minjae. Tp main couplenya si hyunwoo n minjae. N ofc older uke.
Do You Still Like Me?
Honestly, i no comment about this manhwa. Some comment said that seme is older than uke. 7 years apart. But in the story tdk dijelaskan scr rinci. But myb emang older seme. First time? For the uke alpha? Idk either. I hope so I'm quite confuse when i read this. Edited: It's already explained in the story that the seme is older than the uke. 7 years PLease. i hope this run well. i mean there is no scenes i hate gitu looh btw, wht can i catch from the story till now is that jinwoo having s*x as bttom for the first time by unknown (that is colton) and he still don't knot yet who was that person. i think. it's my opinion. but, i hope colton is jinwoo's first as a bttm. Update: From ch.42 i think colton is jinwoo's first as a bttm. It's the same with colton. His first is jinwoo. Colton is still virgin before. add: i think jinwoo knows it was colton? soalnya dia yg ngehampiri pertama kali pas di bar. i think that is the first time they are met and then do it, but colton is drunk at that time so he doesn't remember jinwoo. i thin it was intentionally done by jinwoo because he mengicar the exhibition from colton which is an impactful person who work in that field.
Lima Syndrome
Ch.4 The seme is psycho i think kwkw the uke got raped by other alphas. N i think that is the seme's plan hmm I dont know yet wht kind of the seme is. But the uke is alpha I think the seme is vampire? Or other
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