Surge Looking For You
it's good. the uke is cute, but he's not my type (manly). i like the seme, even though he is so cold at the early chapter. the uke loves seme first and too attached to him but the seme is cold. but, then, the seme loves uke so much.. the thing that i don't like here is when they have problem, they are not discuss it or make it clear scr langsung. tp malah si uke pergi alias minggat. pdahl bukan dia doang yg menderita. si seme sejak kecil menderita dan nanggung trauma. sedangkan si uke cuma merasa kurang kasih sayang karena dia anak panti yg lebih tua makanya perawat2 nyuruh dia ikut jaga anak2 yg lebih kecil. pdhal dia jg sangat disayang. sama2 gk punya ortu. si seme cuma tinggal n dirawat neneknya yg udah tua. jd sejak kecil apa2 mandiri sampai sikapnya dingin ke org2 apalagi stelah diserang heat omega gila yg bikin dia trauma sampe dewasa. sayangnya, si uke menurutku malah kayak minta dipengertiin sdangkan dia gk liat sisi cheong ho. dia yg ngebet ama chong ho setelah diterima malah kabur. pdahal cheong ho gk kejam2 bgt. emang sikap dia dingin ke semua org. ke situ malah rada baik. dasar. apalagi pas hamil. jd ngerasa cheongho kehilangan momen anaknya dalam kandungan karena keegoisan yirim. huh aku gk berpihak siapa2. netral aja. melihat dua sisi. aku komen gitu karena emang ngerasa sisi itu rada jompling. cheong ho memilih swiming karena ingin mengalihkan pikirannya dari org2 yg mencuekinya dan dr omega2 . terus pas dia memutuskan utk memilih yirim malah si uke nya ngambek. mikir kalo dia yg bikin karirnya cheongho terhambat. sdangkan cheongho jg mikir gitu, dia yg nyabbin yirim retire pdhal itu mimpi yirim sejak kecil, emang bakatnya dia. makanya cheong ho lebih sedih n kepikiran. so, he decide yi rim for his life. tp malah yi rim nya minggat. buat stress cheong ho hingga memutuskan dia ikut swimming lg pdhal kondisi dia lg gk bagus. dilaranga pake suppresant pheromone pula ama yi rim, terus ditinggal, terus minta nerusin karir renang. ya gimana cheong ho bisa. wong kelemahannya omega scent. tp dia ttp berusaha sih. applause buat cheong ho. stelah chapter itu aku rada gk suka sama si uke deh jadinya. cheong ho loveable bgt. sdngkan si uke malah netink mulu. dah lah tamat dah. bagus dah walaupun rada sebel itu biasa.. mesti. kayak cwe2 yg selalu minta diperhatiin. tp mereka pernah mikirin sisi cwonya jg gk sih? dasar. y walau aku tau emang buat kebaikannya cheong ho. tp caranya gk gitu lah. main kabur aja. udah ngehilangin hak cheong ho sbg seorg ayah yg harus ada selama kehamilan. terus gk support cheong ho pula dimasa2 krusial dia. gk ada pheromom dr omeganya terus gk diboleh pake pheromone suppressant pula. keras. susah lah dasar terus pas mau dimarking jg gk mau. pikirannya negatif mulu. sedangkan cheong ho dah mulai berdamai dg masa lalu dan traumanya. mau buat keluarga baru. partner seumur hidup. sedangkan yirim pikirannya takut ditinggal mulu. y terserah sih. tp kasian liat cheong ho dah menyakinkan diri malah ditolak. huh pdhal lucu n gemes diawal pas yirim lebih ekspresif dan ngutarain perasaannya ke cheongho. ini malah. dasar
Seonbae USB Swapping Plan!
chp4 end. but the status still on going, so ya gk aku kasih status selesai reading kkk. it's sooo good. actually my type. coba saja di remake lebih bagus. lebih tertata. poin plus2 dah. the uke is manly but he is so small beside the seme. the uke is cuuutee too. i like him. he is a crybaby. he likes his sunbae so much. and ofc it's uke's first. so that i like this manhwa as long as the uke is never bottomed before.
Uniform Praise
from the story preview, some of the stories seem interesting. so that.. plis update soon i like the first story .. want to give it 5 stars, but it's not finised yet I just read the ch 1-3. I'll give it 5 stars
The Wizard and the NEET
i like manly uke actually. but the seme is just seems like a girl too much. besides the size different, it's the face, there's no manly vibe or hot like a real man. prettyis okay. there's a lot of handsome man that has pretty face. but for me it's just like a girl . no vibe. so yah.. lit bit sih vibenya. it's ok lah. skin color not my type too. the story is so good older seme moreover and the uke call him "hyung" i like it more. sangat jarang nemu yg manggil hyung soalnya. hhh
BJ alex
actually, i forget dah baca sampai mana. tp kayaknya seingatku interesting sih. mungkin kalau ada waktu i will read it again seingatku older seme jg
Cherry Blossoms After Winter
2023-10-27: i'm not continue this story because the uke is older. idk if i will continue it or not
Royal Servant
i read this a long time ago, dah lupa sampai mana. awal2 aku kenal bl tuh i read this one. but now i have my own preferences for the seme and uke, so i think i will not continue this one. lol. myb. cuz i'm quite lazy too
Fate Makes No Mistakes
hmm fantasy there are 2 couple i think. n i hope their stories run and end well the main couple. i like them i think. not too close to my type, cuz the uke lit bit tan, but it's okay. i like the seme. he is a goblin. he's a guy with entertain personality, like a talkative person, funny. while the uke , he's quite tsundere? myb. still early chapter i read. so i don't know yet . their personality i mean. their character. ooh unfortunately, the uke has do it with someone else before. he got drunk and the be raped by someone. actually the uke has been raped by the ghost monster since the early eps. but it just in dream. so, i think it's still okay for me. but it turns out that the uke got raped too in real life. yeah , u can say that it's not his first time anymore. the seme is just too sweet and cute. hmm ternyata not just one the uke do it. he do it many times i think. after drunk. ukt pelampiasan agar lupa ama memori kelamnya pas ditinggal keluarganya gitu sih. hmm the second couple. it the hyung who work with tha main uke. he has tan skin or brown gitu and blue hair. interesting kkk. geumsun. he is the seme, and he quite cold and cruel. he is goblin too. and the uke is a reapper. his name is number 704, idk how to read it in korean.t i think on his first appearance he is a top cuz he is handsome and has top vibes. but no. he is the uke kkk. and now i see him just like an uke kkk. i like it too. he is kind of tsundere too i think. aaand. this couple has a third wheel, the king of underworld i think. yama his name.
Aren't You My Type
it's really interesting, but. i think geon is older than the seme. cuz he is work already while the seme is still in college. geon is 25 y.o. actuallty i like his appearance and he is an alpha. he never bottomed too. He loves the seme soo much but, i think even if geon is older i will still try to continue read it till finish. if i'm not bored lol Cuz it's interesting bruh And Geon is really my type. For u know, bottom or u . He is cute but manly. Funny guy. So cute. I like him
An Ideal Relationship