I thought it's kinda rape? Isn't it? The s so cruel for me. He hurt the u. Even though later the u feels good. But still the s hurt him. He doesn't even realized his feeling. He just a Yakuza. He is not someone you can loved. So, the conclusion is... this story needs to be longer, bruh.. I need more. More story, more plot, and also, I want the feeling
Boss! It's Not a Massage Parlour
First time for the u But he is not my type. Unfortunately
Netsu Motsu Hari, Kouchin
Unfortunately, the u got rapped in the middle of stories. I like u's appearances. Manly but cute. His first is with the s . But yeah... He got rapped. I don't like it. No. It doesn't mean that I don't like the u. But I don't like this kind of stories. Btw the s is sex maniac. I don't like it too. Even though there is no scene with other people. But the ojisan said it. That the s is maniac. I don't like this type of person sih. Dah lah