Melt at Night
Just read ch.1 Idk i will continue it or not. Cuz i don't too like older uke. moreover in this story he is 5 years older. Hhh
The Bride of Amber Vanilla
Ch.1 I really like the appearance. I like tan-skinned seme I like muscular uke. Moreover, it's his first time But, unfortunately, i don't know their age. Cuz yk, i prefer older seme. Lol Just like my criteria. N i hope it will end well.
Safari Game
finish side.3 i like the story and manly uke kkk but yeah you know the skin color is not what i want. but, it's okay it's still good
Horeta Otoko wa Shin'yuu de
till ch.7 n it says End. but the status is not changed i need more lol btw , is it uke's first? idk. apakah aku melewatkan some information? i mean he has ex bf so, is he do it or not? idk
High Clear
I like it. I hope it run well. The story hmm the seme is a childish one. but it's okay. jarang2. biasanya uke yg cengeng. juwon juwon padahal lebih tua dia tp sangat gpp. mungkin banyak di luar sana manga/manhwa yg semenya younger n childish too. kenapa kalo yg older seme gk bisa gitu jg, ya kan? kkk love it sejauh ini baca manga. aku sangat tertarik sama ini. sama2 manly. older seme. gk manja2club uke. tan seme. terus ceritanya jg ringan bukan yg toxic relationship gitu yg penuh drama. bagus pokoknya kkk my favourite the appearances of the characters. i luv it manly uke. luv luv tan skin seme. luv called the seme "hyung". luuuuuuuvvvv it. jarang banget aku nemu ukenya manggil the seme itu hyung. alias jarang nemu olderseme korean manhwa. kalaupun ada manggilnya gk hyung. i like it. pokoknya luv Add: after ch.58 WAIT A MINUTE. it's not gonna switch, right? Omg. After this long time. I accepted the childish like-uke seme, but I don't think I will accepted if he will bottomed. Really not. It's because the scene where the red haired one sat on Jeong min laps. So the negative thinking come through me. I hope is not like what I think bruh. I hope it just one of childish thing he do. Myb it means that not only the uke who can sit on seme's lap, but the seme can too. I hope it means like that. What's more funny. Jeong min ( the uke) bahkan gendong his seme bruh. Sweet Add: after read ch 69 Is it really the end? Omo I luv it . Really. It's not switch (their position in bed). But it's fair. The relationship, I mean. The uke is not always the one who cling to the seme. Not always the one who whinnying to his partner . Cuz the seme to can be childish and whinnying . Clingy too. Cute.
not really my type. for the characters, for the skin colors. but the story seems interesting. like, cruel seme gitu.while the uke cuma harus nurut . y because the seme has powers and position. btw in the story, the seme is the uke's first. i like buff uke, i like him manly. but i don't like older and tanned-skin. actually for this story, idk how old the uke is. but from the face he looks older. and for the seme. i'm weak of silver long haired man. that's my personal thing. he just so handsome. that kind of characteristic i can't if i match it with anyone else. i mean, character with long silver hair is just for me wkwk. so i think i will not continue read this one
Aren't You My Type
it's really interesting, but. i think geon is older than the seme. cuz he is work already while the seme is still in college. geon is 25 y.o. actuallty i like his appearance and he is an alpha. he never bottomed too. He loves the seme soo much but, i think even if geon is older i will still try to continue read it till finish. if i'm not bored lol Cuz it's interesting bruh And Geon is really my type. For u know, bottom or u . He is cute but manly. Funny guy. So cute. I like him
Omae no Hou ga Kawaii Kuseni
finish ch.5 it's good. lovely seme
Gimme, Heaven