Hyung, you're my idol!
Ch.106 I like the both couple
Sweet Pain
Till extra 01.2 I don't read the ch.oneshot ,cuz i think that's not my type. So i skip it. The main story is good i think. About the young bro with his senpai
Kiss me, Liar
Finish ch.48 Honestly, i really like this manhwa. Firstly, i have read comments, said that the omega will be raped by someone else and alpha just like trash. All of them just like a trash. From that i decided not to read this manhwa. But today, 17/08/21, i encourage myself to read this manhwa and it turn out that this story is not that bad. And i really like this story. Walau memang ada adegan rape. Tp fortunately tidak sampai tahap in nya wkwk. Just that thing of someone else yg di put kan di mouth nya si omega. N itu sbenernya untuk story aja. Buat si omega akhirnya punya trauma. Just fortunately, the omega still virgin ╥﹏╥ I really think about bad things before i read this one. Why people commented jelek2 soal this manhwa. Pdhal for me this is really good. Walau setiap ch. kadang i don't understand. Gk paham sumpah. Kok tiba2 ceritanya gini. I think, i melewatkan some ch. Tp ternyata tdk. Dan emang begitu alurnya. Just make me confuse. But after all. I will give this story 5 star. I think. Walau i have problem in here. That is the size differences. sebenernya bukan tipe aku banget untuk seme n uke have that kind of size differences. Tp it's okay lah. Cuz, the story, appearance, is my type. And one thing. Yaitu si alpha cannor marked the omega. Why? Why just the omega who can marked their alpha? Soalnya kebanyakan story yg i've read itu alphanya yg punya authority of marked. Begitu pula omega juga Tp kebanyakan sih alphanya. Jd omeganya hanya akan dia n alphanya y cuma si dia. Tp ini kenapa malah alpha yg gk bisa mark omega. N the omega can looking for another alpha? That's wht the other problem for me. Huft Aku gk secomplicated itu utk menilai a story. I like simple story n ofc faithfulness or loyalty. Kesetiaan. Tdk ganti2 pasangan. Moreover, the female lead/uke lead. Mksudnya in the term of s*x life nya lo ya. For another bf or gf it's okay i think. But i hope there is no other s*x with someone else. Just with partnernya aja gitu pinginku. Yk?
I've read till bonus ch.8 Unfortunately, i cannot read yg ver. berbayarnya. Kayaknya ada paid content gitu. unreleased chp gitu. Just unfortunately, i cannot read it ( ˘﹃˘ )
Unfortunately, just one chapter (._.)
Faker's Affair
Read till ch.3 Quite good myb kkk
Norainu no Yoru
til ch 7.1 Appearance even tough tan uke if the manga has colors for the age, i don't know, it seem the uke is the older one. but idk, i just read it till the lastest chapter I think it's ok. Evn though Beta x Alpha first time for the u
Thoroughbred wa nabikanai
My Lovely Bunny
Ch.6.5 Good i think. Cute too The seme said that he's like an older bro.
Dear Door