Galge no Sekai de Shinyuu ♂ ga Ore o Sukida to Iidashite!?
till ch.5 luv it even though it is a shounen ai.
Takara no Biidoro
luv it First time for both of them
Zetsubou ni Nake
till ch.extra 13.5 cuz statusnya completed jd aku tandai sudah dibaca The story i remember is that the seme got raped by the uke rn in the past. The uke is the black haired one . N the seme took a revenge to the uke? He raped the black haired boy when they met in the future? That's what i remember. I read it kok. It's okay Hhh Honestly, i don't like switch. But that is the seme's past. N it's not switch btw. The uke is the black haired one. He's a top before n he likes his boy friend. He's older than the seme, myb? Because the seme call him -san n the uke is senior in their workplace. (edited: i think they are in the same age. myb. from the info in latest chapter, ch13.5) Yk wht i mean right? Lol nvm even though it's not my type, but it's interesting, good story and appearances too,. beautiful art too Btw in the extra, it was explained the reason why the black haired man accepted to be the bottom of the seme. cuz ya that's the nature lol and he want to respect(?) the seme's nature kkk
Koi ni wa Mukanai Shokugyou
luv it. the uke is so cute. he is an idol the manager, the seme, is so cool. both of them handsome ofc kkk
Kawaii Inu ha Yoku Nureru
Ch.2 the uke is cute kkk both of them is a virgin btw
Physical Talkroom
it's gooood. i like it
His Little Amber
Ch.7 Where is the next chapter???? It's soooo good. I cry .. omoo I want more Masih gantung Masih TBC.. huhu I will wait. Atau GK nanti aku akan cari. I love it Add: aku browsing2 jg GK Nemu dooong. Kmvrt. Sabar dah sabaarrr. Dah kepalang baper ini bacanya malah harus terhenti di ch.7 yg entah lanjut atau Ndak... Huaa nangisnya jg kejeda. Sedih mellownya wkwk ADD: FINALLY. the next chapter here. ch.8. it's fin. it's happy ending lol. setalah menunggu cukup lama n really curious for the hurt comfot, finally it's here. n it's a happy ending
Nozomu Bekumonai