JSeagullVK's manga / #Bad guy(2)

My Little Inferno

Complete | ASADA Nemui | 2019 released

Black or White

Ongoing | Sachimo | 2000 released

it's so interesting you know. ada second lead seme jg. intersting pokoknya. ya walau aku gk suka kalo ada second lead. tp bisa nambah drama. yg penting gk sampai melewati batas sih. in this story, the second lead kisses the uke. but after that he says sorry to the seme, shige. y tp dpt punch dulu dong. enak aja gk dpt apa2 wkwk. shin jg jujur pas abis dikiss ama tu second lead, pdhal dia bisa diam aja, sembunyiin itu untuk bila2. tp dia malah bilang ke shige. karena menurutku sih , shin tuh polos, pure gitu loh. dia bilang gitu aja, tp setelah nyuruh shige *punished* him dulu. karena ia merasa bersalah, aduuh. relationship tuh emang hr banyak komunikasi sih. i hope the story goes well. cuz you know this is so drama . drama di balik showbiz.dunia hiburan, dunia artis gitu. jd tantangannya banyak bagi para couple2 gitu. so i hope they are okay till the end. semoga ttp strong menghadapi hantaman dan tntangn dari dunia hiburan itu. for the apperarances of the characters i like all. the seme is a white haired man, oh gosh . that's my personal thing. luv it the uke is manly. luv luv it. he is gay at first, but the seme is his first, all. while the seme is straight before, but the uke is also his first. luv it. they are so innocent when they start going out. because that't their first experience. but the seme aslinya sifatnya gk pure, polos kayak shin,, walaupun cintanya pure,, tp utk sifat nope. dia selalu dipotrayed kan kayak prince gitu dg sifat kalem, gentle,. tp y, shige menurutku kyak seme pd umumnya, jelousan, punya cruel side, tp kalo sama shin dia selalu jd yg terbaik, baik bgt malah, gk pernah marah and gentle. gentlenya ama shin doang, walau mungkin pernah mau kelewatan but he is kind toward shin. wlaupun ia marah atau sempat ngeluarin sifat aslinya, dia bakal acting senyum di depan shin, biar shinnya jg gk takut atau khawatir gitu. cth aja pas scene shin bilang ke shige kalo dia habis dikiss the second lead. marah bgt shige. mau keluar nyari the second lead gitu aja, bahkan he said that he wants to kill that guy. tp terus ditahan shin, terus dia berekspresi baik2 aja, senyum gitu, pdhal mah mendem bgt tuh, sakit n marah. tp shige malah senyum2 aja. bener2 acting luar biasa sih. saking, dia gk mau shin takut or kepikiran jg mungkin. pokoknya sifatnya tuh gk kayak prince yg selalu didamba2 org gitu. that's what i got from the story. their love is just so pure. but the world is so cruel. mksudku lebih ke dunia hiburan yg nyebelin wkwk org2 yg sok berkuasa itu jan, i hate them. bisanya cuma ngancam2 artisnya aja. keluar sih gampang. tp become an actor itu impiannya the uke, shin. jd the seme jg harus bertahan dr ancaman agar karir n impian shin ttp berjalan lancar. haduuh overall i like it. the story n characters. add description from a reader: Scary Uke x Cute Seme Seme: he's sweet and caring, very devoted to the uke and their mutual interest: acting. However he also has a very possessive and selfish side, that desires to monopolise the uke and make him quit his profession Uke: has a very serious look and is rumoured for being cold and evil even outside his performances. What people don't know is how shy and cute he actually is, a side he usually only reveals to the seme